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Inga Kristina Trauthig

Dr Inga Kristina Trauthig

Visiting Scholar


At King’s College London, Inga Kristina Trauthig is a visiting fellow with the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (IMES). She is a security studies researcher and holds a PhD from the Department of War Studies at King's for which she focussed on Libya. During the time of her PhD, she was a research fellow with the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR). She also has an MLitt from the University of St Andrews in Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asian Security Studies.

Inga is a research professor at the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy at Florida International University (FIU). She has authored over 80 publications. The majority of those are peer-reviewed while others are op-eds or shorter, policy-focused pieces such as for Lawfare. She has published in peer-reviewed journals like Conflict, Security & Development, Journal of Online Trust & Safety, New Media & Society, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, or Political Research Quarterly. Inga also co-edited a special journal issue on conspiracy theories for the Journal of Information Technology & Politics.

Inga has conducted work with UN-organisations, governments, NGOs, and private companies that address causes of war and insecurity. She consults regularly with policy and security professionals and has given oral evidence in the UK parliament.

She has joined podcasts such as Just Security or BBC’s Digital Human and her comments have been featured by outlets like Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNN, Houston Chronicle, Foreign Policy, Tagesschau and The Washington Post.

At King’s College, she was convenor of the MENA Research Group within IMES and has held various positions in student representation at faculty, school, and departmental level.

Research Interests

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Disinformation
  • Emerging technologies
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • Ideology, political Islam, Salafism



ICSR 780_440
International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation

The ICSR is a world-class research centre that conducts thematic research on some of the world’s most pressing issues.


Journal builds on institute's annual conference

A new special journal edition builds on the annual conference hosted by the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (IMES).


Why Islamic State militants remain a threat in war-torn Libya

A new report has warned that while the Islamic State in Libya is weak and fragmented, the continuing instability in the war-torn country may yet open the door...

ISIS fighters promo

Leading scholars share insights at North Africa conference

King’s College London hosted the first of a three-part series of conferences organised by the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (IMES).

North Africa will be in focus at the institute's October conference. Picture: ADAM SMIGIELSKI



Book launch: Digital Political Cultures in the Middle East

Join IMES for Dounia Mahlouly's book launch 'Digital Political Cultures in the Middle East since the Arab Uprisings'.

Please note: this event has passed.


Influencers, authoritarians and disinformation in the Middle East and North Africa

Examining the rise of disinformation in the MENA region and how social media is being harnessed by authoritarians

Please note: this event has passed.


Contemporary Diplomacy in Action: New Perspectives on Diplomacy

A new book which offers fresh perspectives on modern diplomacy will be at the centre of discussion at an upcoming event hosted by the Institute of Middle...

Please note: this event has passed.


Counterterrorism in North Africa: How different states respond to the challenge of violent extremism

Inga Trauthig will discuss counterterrorism and counter violent extremism policies and practices of five North African countries.

Please note: this event has passed.


War Crimes and Terrorism: Outlining Similarities and Differences by using Contemporary Libya as a Case Study

A new voices seminar with Inga Trauthig

Please note: this event has passed.


Navigating North Africa in 2020: Dominating Narratives and New Perspectives

Scholars and experts will discuss the challenges and changes shaping North Africa at an upcoming conference hosted by King’s College London.

Please note: this event has passed.


Journalism and Research in the Middle East: A Conversation with Daniel Gerlach and Inna Rudolf

Insights into work and travel in the Middle East will be shared at an upcoming event hosted by King’s College London.

Please note: this event has passed.


Grand strategic resets at the end of the Cold War

Strategic Studies panel for the School of Security Studies Research Conference.

Please note: this event has passed.


The Integrated Review and the Middle East: Trade Priorities, Self-Reliance and Pitfalls

PhD Student Inga Trauthig explores plans set out in the Integrated Review regarding future UK-Middle East relations.

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem


ICSR 780_440
International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation

The ICSR is a world-class research centre that conducts thematic research on some of the world’s most pressing issues.


Journal builds on institute's annual conference

A new special journal edition builds on the annual conference hosted by the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (IMES).


Why Islamic State militants remain a threat in war-torn Libya

A new report has warned that while the Islamic State in Libya is weak and fragmented, the continuing instability in the war-torn country may yet open the door...

ISIS fighters promo

Leading scholars share insights at North Africa conference

King’s College London hosted the first of a three-part series of conferences organised by the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (IMES).

North Africa will be in focus at the institute's October conference. Picture: ADAM SMIGIELSKI



Book launch: Digital Political Cultures in the Middle East

Join IMES for Dounia Mahlouly's book launch 'Digital Political Cultures in the Middle East since the Arab Uprisings'.

Please note: this event has passed.


Influencers, authoritarians and disinformation in the Middle East and North Africa

Examining the rise of disinformation in the MENA region and how social media is being harnessed by authoritarians

Please note: this event has passed.


Contemporary Diplomacy in Action: New Perspectives on Diplomacy

A new book which offers fresh perspectives on modern diplomacy will be at the centre of discussion at an upcoming event hosted by the Institute of Middle...

Please note: this event has passed.


Counterterrorism in North Africa: How different states respond to the challenge of violent extremism

Inga Trauthig will discuss counterterrorism and counter violent extremism policies and practices of five North African countries.

Please note: this event has passed.


War Crimes and Terrorism: Outlining Similarities and Differences by using Contemporary Libya as a Case Study

A new voices seminar with Inga Trauthig

Please note: this event has passed.


Navigating North Africa in 2020: Dominating Narratives and New Perspectives

Scholars and experts will discuss the challenges and changes shaping North Africa at an upcoming conference hosted by King’s College London.

Please note: this event has passed.


Journalism and Research in the Middle East: A Conversation with Daniel Gerlach and Inna Rudolf

Insights into work and travel in the Middle East will be shared at an upcoming event hosted by King’s College London.

Please note: this event has passed.


Grand strategic resets at the end of the Cold War

Strategic Studies panel for the School of Security Studies Research Conference.

Please note: this event has passed.


The Integrated Review and the Middle East: Trade Priorities, Self-Reliance and Pitfalls

PhD Student Inga Trauthig explores plans set out in the Integrated Review regarding future UK-Middle East relations.

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem