Dr Elena Borelli
Deputy Team Leader for Italian and Linguistics/ Lecturer in Italian Language Education
- Lecturer in Italian Language Education
Contact details
Elena Borelli graduated from Bologna University with a Master’s in Classics in 2002 and received a Master’s in Second Language Acquisition from the University of Venice. She then went on to complete a Ph.D. in Italian and French Literature at Rutgers University. From 2012 to 2016 she was Assistant Professor of Italian literature at the City University of New York. Elena joined King’s College London in 2017 and she is now Deputy Team Leader for Italian and Linguistics.
Scholarly Activity
Elena's research focuses on the literature and culture of the European fin de siècle, on the history and practice of translation as well on directionality in translation.
Additional Academic Roles
Higher Education Academy FellowMember of AULCMember of ALTA (American Literary Translators Association)Founding member of NILI UK (Network Insegnanti di Lingua Italiana UK)
Academic Publications
Rifeser, J., Puntil, D. and Borelli, E., “(Un) Doing home or what is home for you? Exploring home-making and identity: A case study from London higher education classrooms” in London Review of Education. Special issue: Belonging and home-making in the internationalised campus, edited by Bojana Petrić, Cristina Ros i Solé and Prue Holmes , September 2023, 21 (1), 33. https://doi.org/10.14324/LRE.21.1.33.
- "Convivial Poems". Translation of Giovanni Pascoli, Poemi Conviviali, with J. Ackhurst. Italica Press, 2022.
- “Traduzione o tradizione? Il dibattito sulla letteratura ne Il Marzocco” in Bouchard N., Ferme, V.(eds), Annali di Italianistica. Nation(s) & Translations 38 (2020), pp.177-192.
- "Taming Desire: Schopenhauer and Nietzsche in Gabriele D'Annunzio's Novels (1889-1900)", in The Poetics of Decadence in Fin-de-Siècle Italy, co-ed by Stefano Evangelista, Valeria Giannantonio and Elisabetta Selmi, (Peter Lang 2018), 225-50.
- Action or Contemplation? The Ethics of Desire in Fin de Siècle Italy, (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press , 2017)
- “Homo Faber. Giovanni Pascoli tra Scienza e Tecnologia. Rivista Pascoliana 27 (2015), 29-40.
- “The Beast Within. Desire in Fin de Siècle Italian Literature.” in Biological Discourses, ed. David Midgley (Peter Lang, 2017)
- "The Fire Within: Desire in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature" (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014)
- “Dante in Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Poetry: From Mystical Lover to Poeta Vate”, in Mediaevalia Dante politico. Ideological Reception Across Boundaries (2017)
- "L'Effigie dell'Italia Bella: Aestheticism, Darwinism and Nationalism in Gabriele D'Annunzio's Writings." La Fusta XX, 2012, 26-34
- "Morality in Giovanni Pascoli’s Dantean Writings". Dante in the 19th Century, (Peter Lang Cultural Interactions Series, 2011) 331-349.
- "La Femme Orientale et le Héros de l’Occident. Dans le Laboratoire de la Re-écriture Ariostesque". Les Lettres Romanes Numéro Special (2008), 43-54.
- "Language and Identity in Vittorio Alfieri’s Vita". MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities, 3, (2008), 1-12.

Transcending Multilingualism and Multiculturalism
Building a cultural competency co-creation consortium and an online module on cultural competency, all through a partnership with four Circle U. institutions.
Project status: Ongoing

Translation as Transcreation DTP
Join us for a hands-on DTP workshop where we explore how translation can elevate content to a whole new level of creativity!
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Join us for a hands-on DTP workshop where we explore how translation can elevate content to a whole new level of creativity!
Please note: this event has passed.

Grammar basics in Romance Languages (French, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish)
Learn the grammar basics shared by French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Please note: this event has passed.

Preparation for oral exams Italian Stages 1 & 2
Join this workshop to prepare for your oral exams
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Italian Pronunciation Workshop
Come along to improve your confidence when speaking Italian!
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Teaching Diversity in the Italian Classroom
A one-day event for teachers of Italian combining workshops, panel presentations and networking opportunities.
Please note: this event has passed.

Transcending Multilingualism and Multiculturalism
Building a cultural competency co-creation consortium and an online module on cultural competency, all through a partnership with four Circle U. institutions.
Project status: Ongoing

Translation as Transcreation DTP
Join us for a hands-on DTP workshop where we explore how translation can elevate content to a whole new level of creativity!
Please note: this event has passed.

Join us for a hands-on DTP workshop where we explore how translation can elevate content to a whole new level of creativity!
Please note: this event has passed.

Grammar basics in Romance Languages (French, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish)
Learn the grammar basics shared by French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Please note: this event has passed.

Preparation for oral exams Italian Stages 1 & 2
Join this workshop to prepare for your oral exams
Please note: this event has passed.

Italian Pronunciation Workshop
Come along to improve your confidence when speaking Italian!
Please note: this event has passed.

Teaching Diversity in the Italian Classroom
A one-day event for teachers of Italian combining workshops, panel presentations and networking opportunities.
Please note: this event has passed.