Crina Grosan is a Senior Lecturer in the Division of Digital Health and Applied Technology Assessment at King’s College London.
Her main research interests are in the field of artificial intelligence, optimisation and data analytics. She has developed, adapted, and applied methods and algorithms for data analysis, systems of equations, many-objective, multimodal, and combinatorial optimisation problems and decision making.
Dr Grosan’s work has an interdisciplinary focus, exploring the application of AI in healthcare through the development of AI-driven health technologies, new methods of healthcare delivery, AI-driven data-centric approaches for biomedical and healthcare data, fairness in machine learning for healthcare and statistical design of machine learning experiments.
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Research profile

Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Twins for Healthcare
DT4Health brings together a world-class multidisciplinary team of supervisors to train future innovation leaders to articulate and materialise the Digital Twin vision in healthcare.

Intergenerational transmission of mental health: understanding the role of family interactions inclusive of fathers and translation into family-based interventions
To understand the factors that accentuate intergenerational transmission of mental health including fathers and explore parenting interventions.
Project status: Ongoing

Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Twins for Healthcare
DT4Health brings together a world-class multidisciplinary team of supervisors to train future innovation leaders to articulate and materialise the Digital Twin vision in healthcare.

Intergenerational transmission of mental health: understanding the role of family interactions inclusive of fathers and translation into family-based interventions
To understand the factors that accentuate intergenerational transmission of mental health including fathers and explore parenting interventions.
Project status: Ongoing