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Bethan  Page

Dr Bethan Page DPhil, MSc, BA

Lecturer in Children's health & Palliative care research


Dr Bethan Page joined the Cicely Saunders Institute, King's College London in September 2023. She is a Lecturer in children's health and palliative care research.

Dr Page completed her DPhil/PhD at the University of Oxford where she explored how to improve training and support for families who care for children with complex medical needs at home.

She has a background in Psychology, with a BA in Experimental Psychology from the University of Cambridge and an MSc in Clinical Psychology from the University of Leiden. She worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow for a Policy Research Unit, conducting research on Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and on how health services adapt under pressure.

She has worked on a range of research projects on how to improve the safety and quality of care for patients in the NHS. Bethan has received grant funding from the ESRC and the Health Foundation.


Dr Page offers PhD supervision in the following areas:

  • Children with medical complexity
  • Paediatric palliative care
  • Parental health and wellbeing
  • Coproduction
  • Patient safety
  • Health systems under pressure
  • Training for patients and families
  • Home care
  • Models of care
  • Integrated care

Enquiring about potential PhD supervision

If you’re thinking of applying for one of our PhD programmes and are looking for potential supervisors, please email listing the names of the supervisors you’ve identified as having expertise in your chosen area, along with your CV and a short research proposal. 

Our Postgraduate Research Team will contact supervisors on your behalf and get back to you. If you have any queries in the meantime, please use the email address above, rather than contacting potential PhD supervisors directly, because they are unable to respond to initial enquiries.