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Ana Maria Sousa Aguiar de Medeiros

Ana Maria Sousa Aguiar de Medeiros

Director of the King's Language Centre

  • Academic Chair in Multilingualism (Circle-U) Chair of AULC

Research interests

  • Languages


Ana de Medeiros was awarded a BA in Political Sciences and French from Boston College before successfully undertaking an MA in French Studies at Middlebury College in Vermont and at Sciences Po in Paris. Having fallen in love with Paris, Ana embarked on doctoral studies in French Literature whilst studying at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and completing a D.E.A. at Paris VII under the direction of Julia Kristeva.

Ana was awarded a PhD in French having written a thesis on the work of Marguerite Yourcenar and questions of identity and exile and she started her career as a Teaching Fellow at Boston University before moving to the UK in the mid 1990s where she continued to research and publish on Francophone Women Authors of the 20th and 21st centuries. Ana was Reader in French and Director of the University of Kent’s Paris centre for Postgraduate Studies, prior to joining King’s College in 2015 as Director of the King's Language Centre (formerly the Modern Language Centre).

Since 2016, Ana has been a co-investigator working with Language Acts and Worldmaking, a flagship project funded by the AHRC. Working with Hodder and Stoughton Ana will launch with Professors Catherine Boyle and Debra Kelly a new book series developing on the work undertaken by Language Acts. Ana is also a consultant in Memoirs, a Horizon 2020 funded project, hosted at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. Since 2021 Ana represents KCL as strand co-lead in the newly created Circle-U network of universities.


  • Language Debates: Theory and Reality in Language Learning, Teaching and Research. Co-eds: D. Kelly and A. de Medeiros (JML, 2021)
  • Le Sujet et ses écritures/ The Self in the Web of Languages. Co-eds: D. Gascoigne and A. de Medeiros (Peter Lang, 2021)
  • Identité, Mémoire, Lieux: Le passé, le présent et l’avenir d’Amélie Nothomb, co-eds: M. Lee and A. de Medeiros (Classiques Garnier, 2018)
  • Marie Nimier: Absence et Perte, co-eds: C. Fréville and A. de Medeiros (Passages, 2017)
  • Questions of Influence in Modern French Literature, co-eds: T. Baldwin, J. Fowler, and A. de Medeiros (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)
  • Wounded Bodies: co-eds: C. Fréville and A. de Medeiros (IJFS, 15:2, 2012)
  • L'Exil et l'écriture, co-eds: B. Deprez et A. de Medeiros (Bruxelles: AB, 1999)
  • Les Visages de l'autre: alibis, masques et identité dans Alexis ou le Traité du Vain Combat, Denier du rêve et Mémoires d’Hadrien (Peter Lang, 1996)


Transcending multilingualism and multiculturalism co-creation day thumbail
Transcending Multilingualism and Multiculturalism

Building a cultural competency co-creation consortium and an online module on cultural competency, all through a partnership with four Circle U. institutions.

Project status: Ongoing


Modern Language Centre becomes King's Language Centre

The new name for the Centre from 1 August 2022.

Two seated people in happy discussion pointing to a journal article with their pens

King's staff team up with European partners to create French courses for student refugees

French language experts at King’s are working through the Circle U. Alliance to support refugee students continue their education at universities in France...

An image of the world in pastel colours



Language Debates: The Multilingual University

What is the current place of multilingualism and plurilingualism in learning, teaching and research?


Transcending multilingualism and multiculturalism co-creation day thumbail
Transcending Multilingualism and Multiculturalism

Building a cultural competency co-creation consortium and an online module on cultural competency, all through a partnership with four Circle U. institutions.

Project status: Ongoing


Modern Language Centre becomes King's Language Centre

The new name for the Centre from 1 August 2022.

Two seated people in happy discussion pointing to a journal article with their pens

King's staff team up with European partners to create French courses for student refugees

French language experts at King’s are working through the Circle U. Alliance to support refugee students continue their education at universities in France...

An image of the world in pastel colours



Language Debates: The Multilingual University

What is the current place of multilingualism and plurilingualism in learning, teaching and research?