I’m really excited and honoured to have this opportunity. It’s a great chance to learn from, and contribute to, the community engagement practices of my colleagues in the U.K. It’s also a uniquely collaborative opportunity that will allow us to build deeper connections between our institutions by forging relationships, sharing expertise, asking difficult questions, and developing and disseminating new knowledge.
Dr Elizabeth Jackson, Director, Community Engaged Scholarship Institute
02 February 2022
Visiting Fellow appointed to share impact and knowledge exchange expertise
Dr Elizabeth Jackson, Director of the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) at the University of Guelph, Canada, will support the Faculty’s impact and knowledge exchange work through varied professional development opportunities.

Dr Elizabeth Jackson, Director of the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) at the University of Guelph, Canada, has been appointed by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities as a Visiting Fellow.
Dr Jackson will support the Faculty’s impact and knowledge exchange work through varied professional development opportunities.
The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute provides a hub of expertise on critical community engaged scholarship, knowledge exchange and community engaged teaching and learning. An initial connection between the Faculty and CESI was made back in 2019 by Dr Ed Stevens, the Arts & Humanities Impact & Knowledge Exchange Manager, who attended Guelph as a Visiting Scholar to discuss his own research and expertise in community-based participatory research.

As a Visiting Research Fellow to the Faculty, Dr Jackson will be sharing her knowledge of critical community engagement and arts-based methods through a range of professional development opportunities.
The first three workshops offered by Dr Jackson have been scheduled and are open for registration. Researchers at any level from postgraduate level up are welcome to register:
- Critical Community Engaged Scholarship: Building Research Impact in a Justice-Seeking World: 3 – 5pm, Thursday 3 March. Register here
- Moving Bravely Forward: Anti-Oppressive Practice and Critical Community Engaged Scholarship: 3 – 5pm, Thursday 10 March. Register here
- Arts-Based Methods & Storytelling: Powerful Research & Advocacy Tools: 3 – 5pm Tuesday 22 March. Register here
As part of her Fellowship, Dr Jackson will also be immersing herself in the Faculty’s culture and priorities to learn about our commitment, methodologies and approaches to impact and knowledge exchange, taking back insights to CESI. As such, Dr Jackson would welcome chatting to any Faculty members interested in this field. If you would like to connect with Dr Jackson, please email ah-impact@kcl.ac.uk in the first instance.
We are thrilled to welcome Dr Jackson to King’s and look forward to sharing her expertise, and that of CESI more broadly, with our own community of scholars and students, especially in the areas of anti-oppressive practice and arts-based research.
Dr Elizabeth Scott-Baumann, Pro Vice Dean (Impact & Knowledge Exchange)
The key learnings from Dr Jackson’s Fellowship will be shared through co-authored pieces with Dr Stevens that explore overall learnings, methodological innovations, and knowledge co-creation in an international context.