04 June 2018
Moving Hearts: The Video now available!
The final video of the Moving Hearts project featuring CMCI's Professor Anna Reading is now available on YouTube.

The final video of the Moving Hearts project featuring CMCI’s Professor Anna Reading is now available on YouTube.
People were invited to make clay models of human hearts, which were then carried in procession over the river from King’s to London’s Migration Museum at the Workshop in Lambeth. Moving Hearts is a collaboration between Anna, Australian artist Penny Ryan, and Dr James Bjork, also from King’s.
It was organised in collaboration with the PLuS (Phoenix London Sydney) Alliance, which combines the strengths of three leading research universities on three continents – Arizona State University, King’s College London and UNSW Sydney – seeking to solve global challenges around health, social justice, sustainability, technology and innovation.
Watch the final project video below, with music by David Kelly.
This news originally featured on the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries blog, Lost in CCI.