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13 October 2022

King's engineering students receive Engineering Leaders Scholarship

King's engineering students Sulaiman Hamid and Jack Doyle are amongst this year's recipients of the Royal Academy of Engineering's prestigious Engineering Leaders Scholarship.

image collage of two men one sitting one standing
Engineering Leaders Scholarship recipients Sulaiman and Jack.

The Engineering Leaders Scholarship (ELS) supports undergraduate students at UK higher education institutions to become leaders and innovators in engineering, and role models for the next generation of engineers by undertaking an accelerated personal development programme.

For his winning submission, Jack created an animated video which explained the growing importance of interdisciplinary leadership within the automotive industry, specifically addressing how the electrification of vehicles poses new challenges to battery technologies and charging infrastructure. Commenting on his motivation to apply Jack explained:

Having the guidance and encouragement of a mentor will help me to shape my future within the engineering industry.

Jack Doyle

Sulaiman’s winning pitch explained the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of engineering with a focus on 3D printers, how they can evolve engineering, and the implementation of 3D printers in different industries to accelerate high-quality production to meet high demand.

Sulaiman’s motivation to apply to the ELS programme was inspired by the ability to promote a sustainable society and inclusive economy as an engineering leader.

“As an engineer, we need to realise that we are the creator of these societies. The products we create or the services we provide, does it nurture or destroy the resources available to future generations? As a leader, I need to promote sustainability by encouraging future engineers to always think about sustainability every time they get an idea of working on something.”

Sulaiman Hamid

Both students readily acknowledged the level of support they received from King's during the application process. Commenting on the application process Jack added “I really appreciated the level of support I was given throughout the whole process, not only from my incredibly encouraging personal tutor Claire Lucas but also from my other lecturers who helped to support my application.”

The Engineering Leaders Scholarship includes a prestigious mentoring programme as well as annual funding support for extracurricular activities. Jack hopes to use his funding to learn a new coding language as well as take up a short course on hydrogen fuel cell technology. Sulaiman plans to use his funding to participate in King’s programme running in Lebanon which helps displaced students who want to study engineering. “I want to participate in the scheme and help. I am planning to establish a similar scheme in a country such as Afghanistan to help students who want to study engineering.“ Sulaiman added.

In this story

Claire Lucas

Professor of Engineering Teaching and Learning