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14 July 2022

King's Centre for the Physical Science of Life celebrates its launch

The new centre ushers in a new era for physical science

Paula Booth at the Centre fro Physical Science of Life launch

Academics from King’s gathered at the Strand Campus on 8th July to celebrate the launch of the Centre for the Physical Science of Life

Led by Professor Paula Booth and Professor Sergi Garcia-Manyes, the interdisciplinary centre aims to use physical science to advance the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying living systems across scales.

The event was opened by Professor Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, Executive Dean of Natural Mathematical and Engineering Sciences, who is committed to creating the culture and facilities for fundamental and applied research to enable academic staff and researchers in NMES to address and find solutions to key challenges in science and engineering using interdisciplinary approaches.

Professor of Theoretical Physics (Department of Mathematics) Reimer Kuehn gave a talk entitled ‘Gene-regulation and cell differentiation- a physical sciences perspective.’

Dr Katelyn Spillane (Department of Physics) is an Experimental biophysicist and gave a talk entitled– ‘B cell activation in the immune synapse’


The new centre places physical sciences at the heart of the research agenda, to gain a multi-scale, quantitative view of biological systems. This will complement existing centres that have a human health focus and move beyond the role often assigned to physical science as a provider of tools and technologies.

Professor Paula Booth, Co-Director, Centre for the Physical Science of Life

The Centre will bring academics together from different departments across NMES, including physics, chemistry, mathematics and will have close ties to the Randall Centre for Cell & Molecular Biophysics, The Francis Crick Institute, the London Centre for Nanotechnology and the Thomas Young Centre.

In this story

Bashir M. Al-Hashimi

Vice President (Research & Innovation)

Paula Booth

Professor of Chemistry

Sergi  Garcia-Manyes

Professor of Biophysics

Reimer Kühn

Emeritus Professor of Statistical Physics