12 December 2024
Homelessness, memory problems and physical frailty
Penny Rapaport (UCL) and Jo Dawes (UCL) spoke at the Homelessness series

Over 110 people attended today’s webinar, the final 2024 event in the Homelessness series at King's, which has had over 1,700 webinar attendees this year.
Penny Rapaport, Professor of Psychological Interventions in Dementia at UCL and Pathway Clinical Research Fellow, discussed findings from a project exploring best to support people experiencing homelessness and memory problems, and Jo Dawes, physiotherapist and NIHR Research Fellow undertaking a PhD at UCL, discussed research findings about the early onset and high proportions of physical frailty in people experiencing homelessness. Penny's slides | Jo's slides.
Participants thanked Penny and Jo
"This is really useful information that I can use in my own life and also to help others I know who are vulnerable or in positions to help."
"Thank you both this was extremely insightful and thank you for the important research you are doing - I look forward to reading up on your further work."
"The issues raised are so contemporary and nationally being raised as a movement for change for providing what we really need to close the housing, health and social care equity gap ... Fantastic webinar, thanks speakers and Jess."
Coming up
The next webinar in this series is The national picture: multiple exclusion homelessness and mental capacity on 22 January 2025; February and March events in the Homelessness series also now open for booking.
Please get in touch with Jess Harris if you would like to join the mailing list to hear about future events.
Header image: one of Penny Rapaport's slides.