15 October 2020
Health and Social Care Workforce and COVID-19
Phase one of major study publishes findings
A study of over 3,000 members of the Health and Social Care workforce across the UK during the first wave of COVID-19 from May to July 2020 has revealed key learning for management to aid the well-being of staff. This collaborative research project led by Ulster University and supported by researchers from Queen’s University Belfast, Bath Spa University and Prof Jill Manthorpe of King’s College London surveyed nurses, midwives, allied health professionals (such as occupational therapists), social workers and social care workers working in care homes and in people’s own homes about their well-being and coping strategies.
Online survey respondents can be grouped into three distinct categories: those who had generally positive accounts, those who admitted some work-related challenges and pointed out areas for improvement, and those who reported generally negative experiences of working during the pandemic. The research findings endorsed by The British Association of Social Workers outlines a series of improvements for workforce management including how to improve work context and conditions and how improving connections and communications can be facilitated to aid staff well-being.