06 December 2012
Dr Bernard Gowers wins King's Award
Dr Bernard Gowers wins King's Award for Excellence in Outreach & Widening Participation.

Dr Bernard Gowers, Lecturer in the Department of History, has won a King's Award for Excellence in Outreach & Widening Participation. The sixth annual King's Awards recognised and celebrated outstanding achievements of the College community. One hundred and fifty staff, students and alumni attended the ceremony in the Great Hall at the Strand Campus on Friday 30 November.
Dr Gowers's award was for a project working with sixth-formers in Hackney schools, giving them a taste of the challenges and opportunities of studying history at King's. The pupils had the opportunity to participate in lectures and seminars given by members of the History Department's teaching staff. Dr Adam Sutcliffe, Head of the Department of History, said 'This prestigious award reflects Dr Gowers' long-standing commitment to widening participation and the hard work he has put into this innovative and important project in Hackney. The History Department looks forward to building on his work in the future.'
The project is now part of the King's-wide K+ scheme.
The King's Widening Participation team can be contacted here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/widening-participation/index.aspx