04 November 2020
Changes to King's Sport's Services
King's Sport
Important information about changes to King's Sports programmes
Following The Prime Minister’s announcement on Saturday, that we will be closing our Gyms and stopping all in-person BeActive sessions from Wednesday 4th November at 22:00 until Wednesday 2nd December.
We will of course continue to update you if these dates change and to make you aware of when you will be able to continue using the facilities in a COVID secure environment.
Our team have worked tirelessly over the last few months to ensure that we continue to support the health and wellbeing of our community across our Gyms, Grounds and Programmes – we know that lockdown can be challenging and that is why we will continue to provide our Move Your Mind | Online programme free of charge during this period to connect our community and ensure that you are able to stay active over the forthcoming 4 weeks.
Gym & BeActive Memberships
Gym Members with a paid monthly membership can expect a refund for November in the coming weeks, unfortunately, the announcement came too late for us to suspend this payment which we apologise for – December’s payment will be taken as usual, pending confirmation that we are able to reopen at this time.
In addition, if you have a Paid In Full membership, we will extend this for a period of 4 weeks to ensure that you retain full use of your purchased membership.
BeActive monthly staff memberships will be frozen and Student BeActive memberships will be extended next year to reflect the reduction in delivery.
Members can continue using their existing membership to book Move Your Mind sessions.
1-2-1 Online Coaching
We know that lockdown can be difficult and we want you to know that we are here to support you during this trying time.
Our 1-2-1 Online Coaching programme is continuing to support the wellbeing of our community, you’ll be paired with one of our expert Health & Fitness Team who will work with you over a 4week period to set goals, understand the challenges that you are facing and work together to come out of lockdown feeling ready to continue your newly established habit over the coming months.
Journey to Wellness Programme
To support the King's Community during this time we have extended our sign up period for our Move Your Mind Journey to Wellness programme, lead by Yogi and wellness teacher Stefana, watch the video below to find out more about the programme.
Sessions are taking place every day in November and participants will be emailed with more information about how to attend the sessions.
Stay connected with King's Move
Our King’s Move platform remains in full-swing, with unlimited exercise outside be sure to download the app and earn rewards to be redeemed across campus when we are able to return.
We’ll be hosting an array of challenges to keep you connected during this period – the app is free to download for all staff and students.