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03 March 2015

Call for papers - Cultures in Disarray: Destruction/Reconstruction

CMCI's energetic departmental Postgraduate Society are inviting contributions to their 2015 conference: Cultures in Disarray

Cultures in Disarray: Distruction / Reconstruction
Cultures in Disarray: Distruction / Reconstruction


CMCI's energetic departmental Postgraduate Society are inviting contributions to their 2015 conference: Cultures in Disarray. 

They have already lined up an impressive, international and professorial trio of keynote speakers: Nick Couldry (London School of Economics), Peter Dahlgren (Lund University) and Elisabetta Lazzaro (Université Libre de Bruxelles). 

In addition to the “star turns” the organisers are seeking further contributions, with the rallying call: “uncensor yourself and make real that paper you always wanted to write.” 

They welcome contributions from postgraduate students and academic staff until 15 March and they should be sent to: Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent by 15 April. 

The conference itself will be held at King’s from 11-12 June 2015. For further information, go to the conference website.