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14 December 2018

Bishop of London speaks to packed house at the Annual David Hobman Lecture

The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London spoke at the recent Annual David Hobman Lecture about spirituality and ageing.

Chairman of AgeUK (Sir Brian Pomeroy), the Bishop of London (the Right Reverend and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally), The Director of the Institute of Gerontology, (Professor Mauricio Avenda Pabon) and Professor Anthea Tinker
Chairman of AgeUK (Sir Brian Pomeroy), the Bishop of London (the Right Reverend and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally), The Director of the Institute of Gerontology, (Professor Mauricio Avenda Pabon) and Professor Anthea Tinker

The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London spoke at the recent Annual David Hobman Lecture about the concept of spirituality and ageing.

Listen to the full lecture here.

The Lecture was organised by the Department of Global Health and Social Science, the Institute of Gerontology and AgeUK. Located in King's Great Hall, it was attended by a packed audience and was followed by a lively question and answer session.

The Annual Lecture was set up in memory of David Hobman CBE, who was the first director of Age Concern England and Chairman of the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology at King's College London, set up in 1986.

In this story

Mauricio Avendano

Visiting Professor of Public Policy & Global Health