08 July 2022
At the Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology
Unit researchers were a strong presence at this year's online conference

Members of the unit presented at the Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology on 7 and 8 July.
Dr Jennifer Owen, Social care responses to self-neglect and hoarding among older people: Emerging findings of what works in practice, presenting on behalf of research team: Professor Jill Manthorpe, Dr Nicole Steils, Dr John Woolham, Stephen Martineau, Dr Martin Stevens & Dr Michela Tinelli. On Friday 08 July 2022, 10:15 – 11:15. (15 attendees) Project page.
Dr Caroline Emmer De Albuquerque Green, Human rights research in care homes: Ethical and methodological issues. On Thursday 07 July 2022, 14:45 – 15:45.
Dr Katharine Orellana Stakeholders’ perspectives on day centres’ policy relevance and priorities in changing contexts of ageing, on behalf of research team: Dr Kritika Samsi, Professor Jill Manthorpe, Dr Caroline Green, Professor Anthea Tinker. As part of symposium 1F: WHAT ROLE DOES DAY CARE PLAY AND CAN WE REIMAGINE? on Thursday 07 July 2022, 09:00 - 10:00. (13 attendees)
Dr Kritika Samsi, Five things carers of people living with dementia say they learned about residential respite, on behalf of research team: Dr Katharine Orellana, Dr Laura Cole, Professor Jill Manthorpe. As part of symposium 1H: CARE AT HOME BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: STRUCTURAL AND RELATIONAL ISSUES FOR OLDER CARER on Thursday 07 July 2022, 09:00 - 10:00. (15 attendees) Project page
Dr Olivia Luijnenburg, Interactions and relationships between ancillary staff and care home residents and their relatives, as part of research team: Dr Kritika Samsi, Caroline Norrie, Professor Jill Manthorpe, Professor Ian Kessler, Stephen Martineau. As part of symposium SIG GROUP SYMPOSIUM 5: CARE HOMES RESEARCH Developing connected and resilient care home communities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on Thursday 07 July 2022, 14:45 - 15:45. (22 attendees) Project page
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In this story
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- NIHR Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit
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- Social care responses to self-neglect and hoarding among older people: What works in practice?
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