01 April 2021
Andrew Porter obituary
The Department of History at King’s College London is very sad to learn of the death at the age of 75 of Andrew Porter, the former Rhodes Professor of Imperial History and head of department.

Andrew spent the bulk of his career at King’s, joining the department at the start of the 1970s and retiring in 2008. Andrew led by example in his commitment to both teaching and research, and he leaves a considerable legacy in terms of his impact on those whom he taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, quite apart from his wide-ranging publications both as author and editor. You can read more about Andrew in an obituary by Professor Sarah Stockwell, a colleague of Andrew’s over many years at King’s, published on the Guardian website on 31 March 2021, and also in the introduction to the festschrift presented to him on his retirement, entitled Ambiguities of Empire, and published by Routledge in 2009, available as a preview for the volume as a whole on the Routledge website here.