Do you have any advice for aspiring mentors, or those who might have just started mentoring someone for the first time?
I remember worrying about what I was going to say, so I wrote a list of a few things I felt I could help with. That list of “things” ended up being a full year of mentoring meetings.
What would you say to recommend mentoring to other alumni?
Honestly, I think anyone who is hiring, managing or has a general interest in the future of society should spend some time mentoring the next generation. It’s not only the right thing to do, it will help you understand your own horizon.
What (or who) has had the biggest influence on you to help you achieve your success?
I’ve been incredibly lucky to have come from a family of entrepreneurs, my mother is an artist, and my father has run businesses. They are both self-starters and I like to think that rubbed off.
How can King’s Connect help?
Ultimately, it’s a LinkedIn for King’s students and alumni, which is great. You can network with alumni, find events to attend and even mentor current students to help give back to the King’s community.
King’s Connect is a networking platform that allows both students and alumni to connect to the wider King’s community and expand their professional network by building long-lasting relationships. Sign up today at