The Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London is one of the oldest law schools in England and recognised globally as one of the best law schools in the world.* The School was established in 1831 and has played an integral role in the life of King's since the university was formed almost 200 years ago.
King’s has been in service to society since its foundation and we’re proud to continue that tradition to this day. Our research and teaching address some of the most pressing questions of our time relating to equality and human rights, the legal implications of climate change, globalisation, international relations, trade, competition and global finance, to name but a few. Members of The Dickson Poon School of Law advise governments, serve on commissions and public bodies and are seconded to national and international organisations, helping to shape policy and practice nationally and internationally.
Our undergraduate, postgraduate and executive courses are informed by our research expertise. We have a lively student community engaged in pro bono, professional development and mooting activities alongside their core studies.
The Executive Dean is Professor Dan Hunter.
Recent history
The School was named The Dickson Poon School of Law in 2012 following a donation made by Sir Dickson Poon FKC. which has transformed the School's research, teaching and international profile. In the same year Somerset House East Wing was formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II.

The School went on to welcome two former Lord Chief Justices, The Rt Hon Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers and The Rt Hon Lord Judge, as Distinguished Visitors. In 2014 it established the Transnational Law Institute - the School's flagship enterprise for research and teaching in legal relations that transcend national borders. Following a gift from Dato’ Seok K Yeoh FKC (Law LLB, 1987) and his family, the School also established the Yeoh Tiong Lay Centre for Politics, Philosophy & Law which fosters interdisciplinary research involving politics, philosophy, and law within King's and underpins the teaching of our Politics, Philosophy & Law (PPL) LLB degree. The School launched its pro bono initiative King's Legal Clinic in 2017, and held the first King's Transnational Law Summit (KTLS18) in April 2018.

Our location
The School is based in the East Wing of Somerset House on King's Strand Campus in London. Our location means that we are in the heart of legal London with the Houses of Parliament, government departments, the Royal Courts of Justice, the Inns of Court and the offices of global law firms all within walking distance. The School and its staff have meaningful connections with these organisations as well as NGO's, charities and other organisations. As a result, politicians, judges and legal practitioners often give public lectures, seminars and talks at King's - contributing to our community of scholarship and expertise.