When imagining the series, we asked ourselves and our contributors the following questions; how can a feminist, decolonial future be imagined? How are feminists around the world already working to bring about transformative change within their own communities and beyond? How can an intersectional feminist approach help us to tackle broader global issues such as (but not limited to) inequality and environmental disaster? We looked for articles that provide a robust intersectional analysis of the varied ways in which women and girls, LGBTQIA+ people, Black, Indigenous, and brown communities imagine and shape new feminist futures across the globe.
The submissions will be published as a special series on Feminist Perspectives over the following months. We are excited by the diversity of our contributors and their research and reflective contributions, covering topics from sexual and reproductive rights, gender-based violence, and activism, to work, feminist peacebuilding, and foreign policy. Our series will showcase the work of feminist academics at various different stages of their careers, from established to burgeoning undergraduate scholars. We are also excited to be publishing pieces from activists and practitioners around the globe.
We hope that you enjoy our series as much as we have enjoyed reading the submissions! Thank you to all our wonderful contributors for their pieces!
In solidarity for a Feminist Future,
The Editorial Collective of Feminist Perspectives.