Centre for Early Modern Studies The Centre for Early Modern Studies was established in 2015 to promote research in the early modern period (understood in its broadest sense, roughly 1400-1700).
Empires and Decolonizations Research Hub Aiming to bring together those at King’s interested in the history of empires, across all periods - ancient and modern.
Centre for Enlightenment Studies The Centre for Enlightenment Studies at King’s supports 18th century research strengths across the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.
Women & Gender through History Committed to an intersectional and interdisciplinary approach, colleagues come to the subject through histories of work.
Global History Research about how historicities from past, to present, and future, differ across societies.
Centre for Hellenic Studies The Centre for Hellenic Studies is a unique grouping of academics with interests and expertise covering more than three millennia, from Aegean prehistory to the history, language, literature and culture of Greece, Cyprus and the worldwide Greek diaspora today.
Histories of Capitalism in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa Rethinking capitalism’s conceptual categories, theoretical frameworks, spaces and intellectual trajectories.
History of Democracy A research hub considering histories of democratic life and politics from a range of different perspectives.
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Engaging directly with policy-makers to change understandings of history and of the world in which we live today.
Publications A selection of recently published books and edited volumes by academics and staff in the King's…