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King’s Sustainability Month is taking place again in February 2022. This month is a collaboration between King’s and KCLSU that offers all those involved an opportunity to learn more about sustainability topics, collaborate and connect with others from across King’s and #TakeAction on the climate crisis. The month will see exciting events organised by people from across the King’s community focused on one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Download the calendar with embedded links here, or browse all events at the bottom of this page. All registration is done via Eventbrite. For the most recent event changes, head over to the King's Sustainability blog.

London Student Sustainability Conference

24 February - Online

The London Student Sustainability Conference welcomes students, staff, professionals and members of the public to find out more about the work which is inspiring positive impacts in the world. The conference is entirely student-led; with students exhibiting their research and projects through presentations, posters and demonstrations. This year, King’s, Imperial, UCL, LSE, Westminster and City are currently participating. Find out more and register here.

Shots for Hope exhibition

2 February to 3 March - The Exchange, Bush House

Visit our Shots for Hope exhibition which features photos submitted by King's students and staff that inspire hope and link to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This collaboration between the King’s Sustainability Team, KCLSU Sustainability and Project X aims to use photography as a force for hope, showcasing our community's positive and hopeful messages about sustainability.

Brazil Week

14 to 18 February

King’s Brazil Week is an annual celebration of all things Brazilian. There are a few exciting events related to sustainability taking place, including a seminar on environmental education; climate, environment and security in the Amazon rainforest; and Amazon deforestation in the context of international relations of Brazil

LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month is also taking place in February: a month-long annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual trans, and non-binary history, including the history of LGBTQ+ rights and related civil rights movements. Make sure to get involved and join the events.