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Attend our monthly seminar series: CARICE Ageing and Long-term Research

We invite all researchers affiliated or interested in ageing resilience to attend this seminar taking place on the second Wednesday of each month at 16:00 via teams.

The seminars bring together speakers from across disciplines to share and discuss the latest findings and developments in the field.

Each seminar will introduce two presenters who will cover topics from scientific and clinical perspectives relating to ageing.

As we face the dual challenge of an ageing population and a changing environment, we believe that coming together will allow us to generate knowledge and innovation to help all of us live healthy and fulfilling lives for longer.

Next Seminar dates:

  • 10 July 2024
  • 11 September 2024
  • 09 October 2024
  • 13 November 2024
  • 11 December 2024

For more information please contact Victoria Vazquez