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London Heilbronn Colloquium 2025: Glenn Stevens

Strand Building, Strand Campus, London


Join us in our upcoming colloquium with Glenn Stevens. He will illustrate, through examples, the theme of p-adic variation in the classical theory of modular forms.

Glenn Stevens

Title: p-Adic Variation in the Theory of Automorphic Forms

Speaker: Professor Glenn Stevens, Department of Mathematics at Boston University.

This will be an expository lecture intended for a general mathematical audience to illustrate, through examples, the theme of p-adic variation in the classical theory of modular forms. Classically, modular forms are complex analytic objects, but because their fourier coefficients are typically integral, it is possible to also do elementary arithmetic with them. Early examples arose already in the work of Ramanujan. Today one knows that modular forms encode deep arithmetic information about elliptic curves and Galois representations. Our main goal will be to illustrate these ideas through simple concrete examples.

The London Heilbronn Colloquia are a series of triannunal lectures by distinguished mathematicians and theoretical physicists at the forefront of current research. They are aimed at a general mathematical audience and informal interaction with the speaker.

A drinks reception will be held after the colloquium at 17:30 in the Terrace Café, Ground Floor, Macadam Building.

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