Lectio Divina Group at Guy's

Are you interested in praying with the Bible? Would you like to grow, alongside other KCL students, in loving union with Jesus Christ? Then why not join the Lectio Divina group!
Lectio Divina is Latin for “divine reading". It is a term given to an ancient technique from Catholic tradition, of reading and meditating on Sacred Scripture, which consists of four key steps: lectio (reading) meditatio (meditation) oratio (prayer) and contemplatio (contemplation). Some also add actio (action) as a fifth step to this sequence.
The group meet meets every Wednesday between 3-4pm in the Chaplaincy room on the Guy’s campus to practice this prayer method and grow in faith together. The focus of our reflection this term will be on The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.
To sign-up, or for more information, please email Laurence, Catholic Chaplain of the Guy’s campus: laurence.jasper@kcl.ac.uk using your KCL email account.
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