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Please note: this event has passed


About the event

We are excited to welcome female and non-binary students for a day of hands-on electronics, as part of this year's Girls into Electronics programme. This event will be hosted here at King's in our state-of-the-art engineering labs, in collaboration with UK Electronics Skills Foundation. Students will spend the day completing hands-on coding workshops, talking with engineers from Apple and networking with their peers. 

This event is great opportunity for students in years 10–13 to build skills in electronic engineering, and explore the wide range of careers possible in this area.  


About the programme

Girls into Electronics is a series of one day events hosted by leading universities across the UK, led by UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF). The events are designed for female and non-binary students in years 10–13 thinking about studying electronics, computer science or engineering. Participants will get the chance to hear from female staff and students at the university, from female graduates working in the electronics industry as well as Apple engineers, have a tour of the university’s facilities, and also get an introduction to microcontrollers. They can keep the microcontroller kit and get online support to complete a range of practical experiments.

Important information

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If you would like to attend, please register your interest directly with UKESF here. The UKESF team will then get in touch with ticket booking details.

Your place at the event is not reserved until you have booked and paid for tickets. However, UKESF will let you know if places are becoming limited for the event you would like to attend. Exact timings for the day will be confirmed closer to the event.

The event cost is £20 per person, to cover administrative costs. If teachers/schools would like to bring a group of 5 or more students, the UKESF can provide a discount. As a charity, the UKESF want their courses to be accessible to all, so if the booking fee is a barrier, please get in touch with them before booking -

Tickets are limited and a high demand for places is expected.

Contact us

If you have any questions about upcoming lectures, or any other outreach events run by the NMES Faculty, please send us an email at

Event details

Strand Campus
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS