King’s First Year: Gateway to King’s
A 15-credit service-led module designed to support student transition into and through the first year of university study, developing skillsets and mindsets which reflect our core values, through a shared experience around which a community of lifelong learners can form. Cultural Competency is one of the key components of this module.
Innovation Module 1: Cultural Competency: Professionalism and Practice (5ACC0001)
What is cultural competency? Why is it important in my studies, and how can I put it into practice? This multi-and-cross-disciplinary level 5 module will provide students from across the College with the tools with which to answer these key questions. It aims to develop students' critical awareness of the core issues surrounding cultural competency, such as power, equality, positionality, intersectionality and social justice and offer them the conceptual and practical 'know-how', with which to implement this awareness in their academic, professional, and everyday lives, and through this to effect positive change. The module will equip students with skills that are essential for all professionals, and will enable them to be effective global citizens.
Learning outcomes:
This module aims to develop students’ critical awareness of the core issues surrounding cultural competency, and to provide them with practical tools with which to implement this awareness in their academic, professional, and everyday lives, and through this to effect positive change. While the module is embedded in the students’ experience at King’s, it will also equip them with skills that are highly regarded by employers, and which will enable them to be effective global citizens.
Identity key theoretical frameworks that are related to and/or underpin the principles of cultural competency.
Explain the different ways in which cultural competency can effect change.
Distinguish functions of cultural competency in different personal, institutional, and professional settings.
Recognise and understand the different and shifting perspectives of others, and demonstrate reflexivity in behaviour towards others in different contexts.
Communicate sensitively and with empathy in a range of academic, institutional, professional, and personal contexts.
Reflect on key contemporary debates and apply meaningful cultural strategies within a given context.
Innovation Module 2: Cultural Competency: mixing methods, from knowing to doing (6ACC0001)
In a globalised world, fostering cultural competency is essential for success in any profession and trade that values the diversity of people and their cultures. This module will draw on evidence-informed techniques to develop your cultural competency, focusing on your knowledge and understanding, your awareness and sensitivity, your skills and interaction, and your leadership and management capability. You will be introduced to a range of disciplinary methods that are ideally placed to help you develop specific domains of cultural competency. The teaching will be delivered by a wide range of methodological experts from across the College. Learning will be dynamic and interactive, and focused on how to make positive changes at the interpersonal, team, institutional/structural and systemic levels.
Learning Outcomes:
Describe and show an in-depth understanding of key theoretical frameworks related to the principles of cultural competency.
Reflect on the way using different disciplinary methods can help in practising cultural competency.
Explain and demonstrate how cultural competency can effect change and “make the world a better place.”
Show how conceptual cultural competency knowledge can be translated into a professional context.
More information about the modules can be found on this KEATS page.
A taught post-graduate module is currently under development. Please check back for more information.
We are recruiting PhD students in the Unit. If you are interested in doing a PhD on cultural competency or have any queries about the PhD programme, please get in touch with Dr Shuangyu Li at
Please also see Research to find out more about the current projects. However, your PhD does not have to fall under those topics.
What does it mean to view the world through the lens of other people? What’s the value in communicating across cultures, communities, identities and disciplines?
Find out in the Cultural Competency Kickstarter, an online experience for King’s students that you can complete at your own pace on KEATS.
The Cultural Competency Kickstarter will empower you to critically reflect on understanding your own identity, how you relate to others, and how you can make a positive difference at King’s and in the wider world.
Enrol in the Cultural Competency Kickstarter on KEATS (King's log in required).