A College-wide educational endeavour to shape a culturally competent King’s Principal investigators: Dr Alice Hazard, Edward Ademolu. This project will evaluate King’s cultural competency programme to gain an understanding of its impact on students and staff. Project status: Ongoing
On Apprehension Principal investigators: Timothy J. Huzar. Cultural competency research - exploring philosophical issues around how we come to know who another person is, as opposed to what they are. Project status: Ongoing
Structural and life course determinants of LGBTQ+ health inequalities Principal investigators: Laia Becares, Katherine Bristowe. Leveraging King’s data and expertise to enhance understanding and move into action. Project status: Ongoing
Transcending Multilingualism and Multiculturalism Principal investigators: Shuangyu Li. Building a cultural competency co-creation consortium and an online module on cultural competency, all through a partnership with four Circle U. institutions. Project status: Ongoing
Cultural competency at King’s King's working together to enhance the cultural competency of all our students and staff
Co-create with us Develop the Cultural Competency Unit collaboratively alongside students and staff at King's.