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KEATS Sustainability & Climate: Learn, Discover, Take Action module is a fully co-created, open-access and interdisciplinary module covering the biggest topics in sustainability from climate change and food, to sustainable finance and social justice. 

Developed by students, alumni, academics and professional services staff, it is a module that was designed by the King’s community, for the King’s community.

It aims not just to equip participants with sustainability knowledge, but to help them to develop the agency to take action on the issues that most concern them.

Offered as an online course, interactive features are embedded into the module through Padlets, pledges and discussion forums.

Each year, there are two module completion deadlines. Those who successfully complete the course by March are eligible for a King’s Experience Champion for Change Award. To receive this, participants must pass the module assessment, which consists of a personal statement and creative submission (to submit by April). Successful participants receive a certificate and badge, and completion is recorded in students’ Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). Those who complete the module by June and submit their creative outcome receive a Sustainability Award, including a certificate and badge. This is not recorded in students' HEAR.

The module is coupled with a (hybrid) seminar series running from October to June. This seminar series seeks to enhance the learning experience and broaden perspectives. You can still attend the seminars if you’re not taking the KEATS module.

Current estimated time to complete the module is 15 minutes per week. The seminar series runs monthly, each session lasting around 90 minutes.

Register your interest in the module and seminar series here

Sustainability Module Take Action Team

Over summer, a Take Action Team is set up bringing together students, staff, and alumni who would like to feed their ideas into the module, to continue the co-creation approach. Participants can develop skills in content creation, graphic design, project management, events organisation, and more.

Register as a volunteer here

This opportunity is currently closed

Sustainability Seminar Series

King’s Sustainability Seminar Series runs throughout the academic year covering some of the biggest topics in climate and sustainability. Learn more about climate science, justice, sustainable agriculture and much more from seminal speakers in the field.

Through the monthly 90-minute seminar sessions, you will get the opportunity to fully engage with sustainability and climate action discussion during breakout sessions and Q&As with each speaker.

This series is designed to be interactive, empowering and to motivate everyone to take action!

It runs from October to June, with roughly one seminar per month. Past seminars have covered climate change, economic sustainability, sustainable food systems, global health, and more.

Register your interest here

Watch past event recordings here


More about King's Climate & Sustainability