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Events archive

CCRB Seminar: Professor Anne Monsoro-Burq

"Defining fates in the early embryo: Neural crest induction at the neural-nonneural ectoderm border"

The strategic agenda for STEM education in Ireland

Merrilyn Goos is Professor of STEM Education at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Professor Goos and Director of EPI*STEM, the National Centre for STEM Education,

Data Feminism

Data Feminism is a talk that focuses on thinking about data and its visualization that is informed by the past several decades of feminist critical thought.

"It's not you, it's me": moral discourses and affective power of selfies

"It's not you, it's me" is a talk that focuses on how selfies make us feel, and why they have the power to make us feel anything.

Apostles of Certainty: Data Journalism and the Politics of Doubt

Apostles of Certainty is a talk that will trace the long history of quantified journalism in the United States, beginning in the early 20th century and taking us up to the present day.

Using Web Archives to Chronicle Platform Evolution

Using Web Archives to Chronicle Platform Evolution is a talk in which we explore the utility of web archives to chronicle the evolution of platforms and their ecosystems.

MSB Seminar: Dr Shauna Culshaw

"Periodontitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis -the best laid plans of mice and men."

War and Identity: The Case of Donbas

Dr Sasse will present surveys conducted by ZOiS of Donbas residents - including those still living in the conflict zone, and those displaced - in order to help understand both how the war has been experienced, and whether that experience is galvanizing a new political identity or tearing the region further asunder.

Exploring patient experiences in a corpus of NHS feedback

Dr Gavin Brookes (University of Nottingham) will present findings from a recent ESRC-funded project which used corpus linguistic techniques to study a 29 million-word collection of NHS patient feedback. This is the latest in the ECS 'Corpus research in linguistics and beyond' seminar series.

TLI Talk: On the Regulatory Geography of Legal Pluralism

TLI Talk with Michael W. Dowdle from the University of Singapore Faculty of Law.
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