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ABC: Altering Behaviour in Children

ABC brings together world-class experts forming a multidisciplinary team which is widely published and has conducted the largest number of studies in Europe on antisocial behaviour in children and adolescents.


Advancing theory and treatment approaches for males in substance misuse treatment who perpetrate intimate partner violence.

Centre for Affective Disorders

The Centre for Affective Disorders focuses on mood and anxiety disorders, common disorders which cause great suffering for many people.

Alcohol Research Group

Based in the Addictions Department, the Alcohol Research Group is led by Professor Colin Drummond and comprises a multidisciplinary research team.

Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health (AIM)

The Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health's focus is to use AI techniques to improve understanding of mental health disorders and improve diagnostic, prognostic, and treatment tools available for mental health clinicians.

Brain Imaging in Babies (BIBS)

The Brain Imaging in Babies Study (BIBS) aims to improve understanding of how a baby's brain develops from before birth up until 3-4 years of age.

Brain Health in Gen2020

Gen2020 researchers will map the potential impact of prenatal exposures such as Covid-19 on fetal and childhood brain development and outcomes.

Centre for Research in Eating And Weight Disorders (CREW)

The Centre for Research in Eating And Weight Disorders aims to find out more about the neurobiological, genetic and psychological causes and consequences of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders, and to use that knowledge to develop new and better treatments.


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About Academic Psychiatry


Our Division of Academic Psychiatry comprises the six clinical departments of psychiatry and…



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