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5 minutes with Elena Nikiphorou

Dr Elena Nikiphorou is a Reader in Rheumatology and Medical Education. She has also now taken on the role of Director of Student Support for the MBBS Programme. We caught up with Elena to find out what a typical day looks like, the work she's doing in training future doctors and her life taking care of her five children.

_Elena Nikiphorou 5 minutes

What is a typical day like for you?

I wake up before everyone else in the house, check emails, think about medical school matters, and perhaps write or review a manuscript. I then wake the kids up, get them sorted for school, kiss them all goodbye and set off for work. I love my job and always want to work to the best of my abilities, helping my patients, thinking creatively and innovatively and progressing my research. I get the train home in time to have dinner with my family, then fit in some exercise and a couple of hours more work before end of the day.

What do you think people in the Faculty would find most surprising about you?

That I am the mother of 5 - I still struggle to believe it myself at times!

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

Never cease up to chase your dreams and strive to be the best you can in this world.

What do you do with your time outside academia/work?

I love spending time with my children and family; we often play and make music together.

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Working together with the Student Support and the wider GKT Leadership Team to help develop our students as future NHS doctors. While I’m sad to leave my current role as Portfolio Assessment Lead – a role that has helped me see and appreciate different aspects of our assessment process from both the point of view of the student and of the assessor – I’m ready to take on this new and much needed role.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My family. My children.

What is your favourite thing about working at King’s?

The people, the team I work with, both in my clinical and academic environments. They are my second family.


Favourite season: Spring.

Favourite London restaurant: Happy.

Favourite book: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg.

Coffee order: It will have to be a Chai tea, please!

In this story

Elena  Nikiphorou

Elena Nikiphorou

Reader in Rheumatology and Medical Education, and Director of Student Support

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