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Working in a Start-up: Hanh and Safetyknot

Hanh Nguyen

Global Health & Social Medicine and Biosciences student, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

02 October 2023

"In a start-up environment adaptability is key, and I've been exposed to a wide range of responsibilities beyond my initial scope, which has broadened my skill set considerably."

Meet Hanh Nguyen, a Global Health & Social Medicine and biosciences student (Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine) who took up the role of Digital Growth and Analysis Intern at Safetyknot, one of the King’s20 ventures at the Entrepreneurship Institute.



Safetyknot provides practical safety and first aid training in low- and middle-income countries. Working in a start-up that is actively enhancing the health and safety conditions in developing countries was very appealing. The chance to directly contribute to initiatives aimed at improving the wellbeing of vulnerable populations, aligned with both my academic studies and personal values.

This internship gave me an opportunity to gain insights into how start-ups like Safetyknot, utilise digital platforms to expand their reach, engage their audience and drive meaningful outcomes.

Role and responsibilities

During the internship I developed Safetyknot’s functional app using CMS and working with IT in Nepal. The app aims to deliver crucial health and safety information to individuals in developing countries, making the guidance easily accessible and actionable.

Through collaborating with developers, designers, and other team members, I've gained insights into the end-to-end process of app development. This encompasses everything from initial ideation and design to actual implementation and rigorous testing. Developing an app requires troubleshooting and finding solutions to challenges that arise. This experience has honed my problem-solving skills and taught me to adapt quickly to unexpected situations, a crucial skill in the world of work.

Working in a start-up

This internship has been an incredibly insightful and transformative experience. In a start-up environment adaptability is key, and I've been exposed to a wide range of responsibilities beyond my initial scope, which has broadened my skill set considerably.

I've learnt that entrepreneurship is about embracing uncertainty and risk, whilst continuously seeking innovative solutions. While more established organisations have predefined roles, the start-up environment encourages a broader skill set and a deeper engagement with the company's focus. This experience has shown me that I'm capable of thriving in a dynamic environment. It has also highlighted the impact that small-scale initiatives can have on addressing significant global challenges. Safetyknot’s positive impact and mission is truly inspiring.

Next steps

Working with diverse communities over the past eight weeks has enhanced my ability to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries. This skill will be instrumental in any international or multicultural context, from healthcare initiatives to collaborative projects on a global scale.

Learning about the intricacies of entrepreneurship and start-ups has given me a unique perspective on innovation and perseverance. I plan to carry this entrepreneurial mindset forward, seeking opportunities to create and innovate within any organisation I'm a part of. This will inform my decisions and contributions to initiatives aimed at making a positive impact on health disparities and social inequalities.



Working in a start-up can add valuable experience to students' CVs and is an opportunity that's worth exploring. Start-ups and small businesses account for 99.9% of the UK's business population (5.5 million businesses at the start of 2021) and 61% of the total employment in SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) (2021). 

Each year the Entrepreneurship Institute (EI) supports King’s students to take part in a paid summer internship with the EI or one of our King’s20 ventures. The internship, funded by Santander Universities, enables students to build new and existing entrepreneurial skills and experience for their CVs, whilst contributing to the start-up ecosystem at King’s.

If you would like to find out about future opportunities like our summer internship programme, sign-up to receive the EI newsletter.


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