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Working in a Start-up: Asiaf and Rev.Eye.Talise

Asiaf Simadul

BSc Biomedical Sciences student, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

19 September 2023

"This experience has equipped me to tackle complex challenges with a multidimensional approach. It has solidified my aspiration to drive positive change, by synergising scientific insight and strategic acumen in the years ahead."

Meet Asiaf Simadul, a BSc Biomedical Sciences student (Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine) who took up the role of Business Strategy Intern at Rev.Eye.Talise, one of the King’s20 spinouts at the Entrepreneurship Institute.


Interests and ambitions

Having immersed myself in regenerative medicine during my biomedical degree, I became enamoured by its potential. The prospect of utilising robotics for transformative eye surgery fascinated me, fuelling a curiosity only hands-on exposure could quench. The prospect of contributing to Rev-Eye-Talise Robotics, even prior to the robot's completion, thrilled me. The role of a Business Strategist Intern emerged as my escape from an exclusive lab-only future, defying the biomedical stereotype.

Role and responsibilities

I embarked on this Business Strategy internship with an open mind, seeking to showcase my versatility beyond the realm of sciences. Days before I started, I delved into the role’s specifics. Discovering that business strategists formulate and implement pivotal decisions, resonated with me and my desire to broaden my horizons beyond science, and embrace the world of business.

During my internship I worked with a technical report comparing conventional eye surgery values with those of a prototype robotic eye surgery. My task entailed critically reviewing and rectifying any inaccuracies in the report. I was dispatched to Moorfield Eye Hospital, where I observed multiple live eye surgeries alongside seasoned surgeons. This experience allowed me to engage with these professionals, recording crucial data such as procedural durations. Witnessing the intricate steps, illuminated the fragility of the human eye and granted me unique insights beyond my biomedical science background. Through this project, I honed my analytical skills, cultivated a deeper appreciation for surgical intricacies, and broadened my perspective on the vital intersection of science and innovation in the field.

Working in a start-up

This experience has been truly eye-opening. I've gained a profound understanding of entrepreneurship and start-up dynamics, transcending my biomedical background. Witnessing the dedication of both the Rev.Eye.Talise team and skilled surgeons has sparked inspiration within me. The potential to alleviate burdens through innovative robotics in eye surgery is truly motivating. My internship, in three words would be transformative, enlightening, and inspiring. Compared to other experiences, it stands alone as a unique fusion of science and business strategy—a journey that unequivocally defines cool!

Next steps

The skills and experience I've acquired during this internship will undoubtedly shape my future endeavours. The intersection of biomedical science and business strategy has illuminated new pathways for me. I plan to leverage my enhanced analytical skills and innovative thinking to contribute meaningfully to the evolving landscape of healthcare technologies. Whether it's collaborating on medical advancements or bridging the gap between science and business, this experience has equipped me to tackle complex challenges with a multidimensional approach. It has solidified my aspiration to drive positive change, by synergising scientific insight and strategic acumen in the years ahead.



Working in a start-up can add valuable experience to students' CVs and is an opportunity that's worth exploring. Start-ups and small businesses account for 99.9% of the UK's business population (5.5 million businesses at the start of 2021) and 61% of the total employment in SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) (2021). 

Each year the Entrepreneurship Institute (EI) supports King’s students to take part in a paid summer internship with the EI or one of our King’s20 ventures. The internship, funded by Santander Universities, enables students to build new and existing entrepreneurial skills and experience for their CVs, whilst contributing to the start-up ecosystem at King’s.

If you would like to find out about future opportunities like our summer internship programme, sign-up to receive the EI newsletter.


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