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Why did I choose to study Philosophy?

Hi, I’m Simran! I am a 2nd-year Philosophy student and a Student Chair for Philosophy.

I decided to choose Philosophy at King’s for several reasons, firstly, was my passion for philosophy, secondly, was studying in London and thirdly, was the University itself.

My passion started to develop in year 12 during my A-levels, I was studying Religious Studies which included Philosophy and Ethics, where I learnt the likes of Bentham with his ethical theory of Utilitarianism, and Plato with his theory of forms. My curiosity truly sparked during this time and has carried on till now while I’ve been studying at King’s.

I dreamt of going to a London University since I was 16 years old, at the time I had no idea what I wanted to specialise in, but I knew I would be in London, I used to imagine walking to my lectures with a Starbucks in my hand, I truly romanticised my London student life. Fortunately, I received the opportunity to study at such a prestigious University in central London.

The reason I chose King’s was due to the flexibility of the course, during my second year I have had complete choice over my modules and there is a huge variety to choose from. My favourite module has been gender and philosophy as King’s brings a modern aspect to philosophy, we don’t just learn about the Stoics and the Age of Enlightenment. I also enjoy Political and Ethical Philosophy as it covers more current topics like euthanasia and abortion.

King’s offers amazing opportunities for Philosophy Students like the Cumberland Lodge trip, where students socialise for a weekend in Windsor Great Park with guest speakers from all over. There is the Philosophy Society that organises weekly discussions and there are people like me who listen to the student body to better their learning and experiences at King’s as a Chair.

King’s College has enabled me to have some of the best years of my life, having the opportunity to study something I am passionate about and live the life I have always wanted.

I hope after reading this I have perked your interest in learning Philosophy at King’s College London!

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