Dr Barry Berkovitz, King’s College London and Dr Peter Shellis, University of Bern, have published a new book exploring the teeth of all mammals based on material gathered from global museums and researchers, and drawing on the authors’ knowledge acquired over 40 years of expertise in dental anatomy.
There has recently been a resurgence of interest in several aspects of comparative dental anatomy such as function, the development of individual teeth and the arrangement of them.
Classically, teeth clearly exemplify the relationship between form and function, and mammalian dentitions provide an array of examples. The book contains over 700 high-quality photographs, the majority of which are from the world-renowned Royal College of Surgeons Odontological, x-rays, CT scans and histological images and explains how the structure and properties of dental tissues support tooth function.
‘The Teeth of Mammalian Vertebrates’, was co-authored by Dr Barry Berkovitz, Emeritus Reader in Dental Anatomy, King’s College London, and Dr Peter Shellis, Department of Preventive, Restorative and Paediatric Dentistry, University of Bern, and can be purchased from Elsevier.
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