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Who's who in NMES Professional Services: The Education Team

In this edition of the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences' famous 'Who's who in Professional Services' we get to know some of the team making King's a centre for educational excellence. Faculty Senior Programme Managers Arianne Jackson and Christina Ripley tell us a little about themselves, their roles and a bit of their bucket list.

Arianne Jackson
Senior Programmes Manager

1 200 x 300 image of Arianne

Tell us a little about yourself

Hello! I’m Arianne and I’ve been with NMES since 2018, initially looking after the engineering programmes in the Department of Informatics. I then moved to become Programme Manager in the Department of Engineering and most recently in the Faculty office, working as one of the Senior Programme Managers supporting the education teams in each department.

Likes: dogs, ice cream and pub quizzes (even though I’m not very good!) Dislikes: spiders and most other bugs that Mother Nature gave us.

What's on your bucket list?

Going to Norway and seeing the Northern Lights.

What's your role in NMES?

Alongside Christina, I provide a point of contact between departments and the central teams in the College.

I do this by leading the education teams across the faculty in ensuring that day-to-day business continues as normal, and by being a focal point for the central teams, including the Taught Student Records (TSR) team, in areas such as exams, visa & attendance monitoring and programme diets.

In this role, I can escalate feedback and suggest improvements as well as provide essential support to the education teams.


Christina Ripley
Senior Programmes Manager

1 200 x 300 image of Christina

Hi Christina, what's your career journey been like?

I’m now one of the Senior Programme Managers in the Faculty Education Team, but I’ve worked in Higher Education since 2006 at various institutions, including Newcastle University, University of Hull (Scarborough) and University of British Columbia in Vancouver. I have spent nearly 13 years working at King’s, firstly in SSPP then A&H before joining NMES as a Senior Programmes Manager in 2021.

What's on your bucket list?

I’ve always wanted to visit Japan, to experience both the vibrancy of the cities but also the serenity of the countryside and mountains and be completely immersed in the culture. It seems from my camera roll I also have a slight obsession with photographing cherry blossom each spring, so if I timed my visit right, I’d be in my element!

I would also love to return to Vancouver and fulfil my ambition to take a road trip round the province.

What's your role here in the faculty?

Along with Arianne, I help lead the administration for all taught programmes within NMES. I work closely with the Department Education Teams, the Faculty Education Team and colleagues within SED to support the implementation and delivery of a range of department, faculty and college projects.

I am also the link between numerous teams within SED and our departments, this includes timetabling, exams and TAA, providing feedback, flagging issues and concerns with any BAU processes and ensuring our requirements are fed into any proposed process improvements.

In this story

Arianne Jackson

Senior Programme Manager

Christina Ripley

Senior Programme Manager

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