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Record your volunteering

By signing up to King’s Volunteering, you can keep a verified log of your volunteering activity and share this with others.

To verify your hours, they will need to be submitted and approved by the organisation you volunteer with.

Mobile phone graphic with yellow phalanx in the background.

How to record your volunteering

Our reward & recognition scheme has been designed to celebrate and thank King’s staff and students for their contributions to our local, national, and global community, through volunteering. 

To receive any of the rewards below, you'll need to submit your hours via the King's Volunteering platform.

Hours should be approved by the organisation that you've volunteered your time to, your line-manager if you are a member of staff using your Service Time or King's Volunteering ( if you have volunteered your time for an initiative King's Volunteering have organised. 

If your approver isn't one of the above, please email with a brief explanation as to who your approver is and why they are approving your hours. Any volunteering hours related to KCLSU activity (e.g. committee member hours and student group activity) should be logged with KCLSU.

Why log your volunteering hours?

  • You can build a verified record of all the volunteering you have completed throughout your time at King’s, all in one place.
  • You can share your volunteering record with others including employers, on applications or on your CV.
  • Hours logged on the King’s Volunteering platform will show on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) once you graduate.
  • You can qualify for the King’s Volunteering Reward & Recognition scheme.
  • This record helps you demonstrate the skills you’ve developed through volunteering.


All students and staff that record their volunteering hours via King's Volunteering will be able to access King's Volunteering Rewards. 

Digital Credentials 

Volunteers will be able to access certificates and badges to display on their LinkedIn and CVs in recognition of their contribution to society.

King's Move

All students and staff who sign up to King's Volunteering will receive 1500 points to be redeemed via King's Move. Volunteers can receive 100 points for each hour that is verified via King's Volunteering.

King's Volunteering Tote Bags

When volunteers complete and submit 36 hours of volunteering, they will be rewarded with a small gift from King's Volunteering - a limited edition large size cotton tote bag. Please email the King's Volunteering team at to arrange collection.

Recording your volunteering hours: A step-by-step guide

  1. 1

    Login to King's Volunteering online using your Kings email.

  2. 2

    Click on Menu button at the top left of the page.

  3. 3

    Click on 'Log Hours' and answer the prompt questions.

  4. 4


Guide: Record your volunteering

Here's a helpful guide to take you through the process of logging your volunteering hours.