According to Kelly Vere MBE, University Director of Technical Strategy and Director of UK Institute for Technical Skills & Strategy, one of the main challenges in the sector is a lack of diversity among technical management and leadership roles. The Herschel Programme for Women in Technical Leadership was created to help change this. Named after Caroline Herschel, an early technician at the turn of the 19th century who was also a pioneer in the discovery of comets, the programme seeks to provide a space for colleagues to expand their networks while learning new skills to aid them in current leadership roles or roles they aspire to in the future.
Each year, 200 technical staff from UK universities are selected to join the competitive six-month programme. Broken up into cohorts of around 30 delegates, each cohort undertakes modules such as ‘You as leader’, ‘Culture and Context’, ‘Influencing and Negotiating’ and ‘Confidence and Empowerment’. On top of this, participants are placed into small groups to reflect on module learnings, discuss workplace challenges and generate ideas into action. They also collaborate to create a poster that reflects each member’s growth and development over the previous six months which is then presented at the final celebration event.