Study at a university where Theology & Religion have been taught for over 180 years, in a department most recently ranked as the top for research environment in the UK (REF2021).
We offer supervision of doctoral projects focused on religion from a range of perspectives. Our research spans History, Philosophy, Religion and the Arts, Biblical Studies, Theology, Textual Studies, Jewish studies, Islamic Studies, Buddhist Studies, Systematic Theology, Anthropology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, and Religion and Political Science.
We would consider PhD proposals on a variety of religious traditions and new groups, and would particularly welcome projects that align with our areas of research interest and expertise. Depending on your field of study, you can be awarded a PhD in that area, for example, in Social Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, or Religious Studies.
As a PhD student you will have access to seminars and events which profile the research of top scholars in the field as well as the religious and cultural diversity on your doorstep.
Our partnerships and collaborations with the National Gallery (Christianity & the Arts), the Courtauld Gallery, Leo Baeck College and the London School of Jewish Studies can provide additional learning resources for our students, as can our connections with a wide range of religious groups and institutions.
Explore the course details:
Duration: Expected to be: MPhil two years FT, four years PT; PhD three years FT, four-six years PT. October to October, February to February or June to June
MPhil/PhD Research from the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at King's College London.
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