International Research Training Group

From stem cell biology to immune therapy, cell regeneration, cell replacement and management of diabetic complications
As part the interdisciplinary network, the International Research Training Group 2251 “Immunological and Cellular Strategies in Metabolic Disease” (ICSMD) has been established and it has since gained great importance and achieved important scientific insights.
Researchers in this IRTG find ways to understand and work with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Here, outstanding PhD and MD students have the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary programme with supervisors from both universities. The students not only gain specialised knowledge and obtain certificates from both institutions, but they also enjoy the wholly collaborative and international nature of this post-graduate programme. The programme enables the students to further their knowledge in cutting-edge technologies in the fields of surgery, transplantation medicine, immunology, the use of different kinds of stem cells, encapsulation strategies and the usage of the involved technical devices.
The international research training group gathers the expertise from world leading research institutions in London and Dresden – the involved institutions are King’s, TUD, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), and the Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden (PLID).
The IRTG 2251 is focused on the metabolic disease diabetes mellitus, including both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with the aim to apply the most recent laboratory and clinical techniques to achieve results of the highest quality and relevance in both basic research and clinical application.
- The IRTG offers PhD and MD positions at TU Dresden and King's College London.
- The students are being recruited via the Dresden International PhD Program. The first cohort has started in 2017. The second cohort started in 2020.
- At King's College London, the PIs of the IRTG offer their positions individually. Please contact us for further inquiries.
- Following approval from the Steering Committee, students from both Universities may be associated to the IRTG, thus being able to benefit from the joint curriculum and interdisciplinary exchange.
Programme Coordinator
Coy Brunssen, PhD
Scientific Coordinator IRTG 2251