The Digital Learning and Assessment Group are made up of various teams helping to support the delivery of the academic strategy for 20/21.
James Toner leads Digital Education at King’s College London and is co-lead/convenor of the Digital Learning and Assessment Group. James' role includes heading the Education Solutions and the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning (CTEL) team that has a cross-college focus on innovative, sustainable and scalable technology to support the student and staff teaching and learning experience.
Dr Kyle Dyer is the Academic Lead for Digital Education for King’s College London and co-Chairs the Digital Learning and Assessment Group with James. He is responsible for providing key academic input into the Digital Education Vision for King’s and into strategic planning for King's Online, KPED and CTEL, while supporting faculties in developing and adopting successful and consistent approaches to digital education. Kyle's role involves leading for innovation and adoption of digital education and ensuring that commitments to digital education are realised and implemented in line with the Education Strategy.
Jonathan Thompson is the Programme Manager for the Digital Learning and Assessment Group which includes overseeing the delivery of the task and finish groups and liaising with faculties about plans and preparations for Digital Learning for the 20/21 academic year.
Steph Hann is a Strategic Project Manager who works across the Strategy, Planning & Analytics (SPA). She provides project management for the Digital Learning & Assessment Group, as well as supporting on comms.
We have five task and finish groups that are focused on the following areas:
- Staff Development and Support (Led by Lauren Cracknell and Sue Harrison)
- Student Digital capabilities (Led by Nabila Raji and Dr Ellie Dommett)
- Systems, design and Infrastructure (Led by Dr Vincent Giampetro and Philip Blake)
- Digital Assessment (Led by Kathryn Connor and Dr Kyle Dyer)
- KEATS reporting and data (Led by Philip Blake and Dr Anatoliy Markiv)
If you have any specific DLA questions, please email us at