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Teachers visit King's for annual Mathematics Teachers' Conference

Mathematics Teachers’ Conference
Peter Gallivan

Outreach Manager, Natural Mathematical & Engineering Sciences

14 August 2024

Academics from the Department of Mathematics hosted the annual Mathematics Teachers’ Conference, welcoming 38 teachers from across London for a day of discussions, lectures and more.

Organised by Mathematics Lecturer Dr Asuka Kumon together with the NMES Faculty Outreach Team, this annual event aims to create a collaborative environment where our academics can share their expertise with local teachers. The event also gives teachers the opportunity to network with each other, sharing best practice and their personal experiences of teaching.

A lecturer in a wheelchair talks to a room of people

The day started with a talk from Lecturer Dr Natalie Evans, who explored mathematics beyond the curriculum. She highlighted the benefits for students in taking part in extra-curricular mathematics activities like UK Maths Challenges, and well as how to guide students through STEP MAT and AEA tests. Natalie’s talk was followed by a discussion led by Professor of Practice Dan Abramson, who explored how students’ attitudes towards maths change drastically as they move from primary to secondary school, and what can be done to tackle this. We then had a talk from Lecturer Dr Lassina Dembélé, who explored prime numbers, primality testing and how prime numbers can sometimes camouflage themselves from these tests.

Two female teachers sit at a table talking

After a well-earned lunch, Lecturer Dr Dominic Yeo explored how to introduce proof-writing to mathematics students, and how this is a vital stepping stone towards the more advanced mathematics explored at undergraduate level. The final discussion of the day was led by Dr Asuka Kumon, who facilitated an open-ended discussion exploring how to help students ‘bridge the gap’ between school and university. We wrapped up these discussions with celebratory coffee and cake, whilst visiting our student-led exhibition ‘It All Adds Up: Global Discoveries in Maths’.

The conference concluded with an entertaining keynote from popular mathematician Dr Katie Steckles. Katie led the audience on a hands-on journey through the many areas of mathematics you can explore with the humble sheet of paper, with the attendees making Möbius strips, flexagons and more. The perfect end to an engaging interactive day of maths discussions! The day was well received by the teachers in attendance, with many noting they enjoy the topics of talks and discussions, as well as the presentation skills of the lecturers delivering these.

Teachers are at the heart of the education ecosystem, and are key inspirers of the next generation of mathematicians and scientists. The King's Maths Teachers' Conference not only provides an opportunity for us to engage with them through talks, but also - critically - for them to network and share best practice with each other through discussions.– Dr Kathryn Boast, Senior Outreach Manager, NMES

The Mathematics’ Teachers Conference is an annual event run by the Department of Mathematics, usually in the summer term. You can read more about the event, and find details of the next edition when they are available here.

Sign up to our monthly teachers bulletin to find out about more Outreach programmes running in the Faculty of Natural Mathematical & Engineering Sciences.

In this story

Asuka Kumon

Asuka Kumon

Lecturer in Pure Mathematics Education

Kathryn  Boast

Kathryn Boast

Senior Outreach Manager

Peter Gallivan

Peter Gallivan

Outreach Manager

Natalie  Evans

Natalie Evans

AEP Lecturer in Mathematics (Education)

Lassina Dembélé

Lassina Dembélé

Lecturer in Computational Number Theory

Dominic  Yeo

Dominic Yeo

AEP Lecturer in Mathematics

Mathematics Teachers’ Conference

The Department of Mathematics hold an annual Maths Teachers' Conference each summer, supporting teachers from state schools around London and beyond.

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