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Harold Moody PGR Studentship 2025/26

Subject areas:

Arts, culture and media. Conflict and security. Education management and policy. Geography and the environment. History and classics. Intercalated. International affairs and development. Languages and literature. Philosophy and religion. Policy and society. Politics and economics. Public health. Finance. Management.

Funding type:

Tuition fee. Bursary. Bench Fees / Research Training & Support Grant.


United Kingdom.

Studentships to support Black British Students who are eligible for home fees for PhD study in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Social Science & Public Policy and the King's Business School.

Award details

These studentships are offered by the King’s Doctoral College at King's College London.

The scheme offers full financial support and a skills development programme.

  • Duration: 4 years FT or 7 years PT
  • Number of scholarships: 9
  • Award will be available for 2025/26 academic year

Award value

The Studentship covers:

  • Tuition fees: at the home level
  • Annual Stipend: at the UKRI rate (was £21,237 for the year 2024/25), or pro-rata for PT registration
  • Research costs: up to £1,000 per annum, or pro-rata for PT registration

Eligibility criteria

The Harold Moody PGR Studentships are open to candidates applying for a PhD to start in the 2025/26 academic year at King’s College London in one of the following faculties:

Applicants must be UK-permanent residents who are liable for fees at the home rate and identify as one of the following ethnic groups (as identified by the applicant in the admissions application):

  • Black British; Black or Black British African; Black or Black British Caribbean; Black or Black British other; or Mixed Black.

If you identify as being of Black or Mixed-Black ethnicity, you are warmly invited to apply for one of these studentships.

Please note:

  • Students who have already commenced their doctoral degree at King’s are not eligible.
  • Distance learning programmes are not eligible.
  • MD(Res) programmes and professional doctorate degrees are not eligible.
  • Joint PhD programmes are not eligible.

Application process


January 2025

Scholarship Competition opens

06 March 2025 (10 am)

An online workshop

09 April 2025 (2 pm)

An online Q & A session

21st April 2025 (23:59pm UK time)

Deadline to submit an admissions application for a suitable MPhil/PhD via King’s Apply, and include the following the funding code 2526-THM

5th May 2025 (23:59pm UK time)

Deadline for references and all other required supporting documentation required for the PhD programme of choice, to be received by Admissions, such as:

  • transcripts certificates 
  • references

13th June 2025

Applicants expected to have secured admissions offer by this point

Mid-end of June 2025

 Announcement of decisions

You are expected to secure an admission offer for your chosen MPhil/PhD programme at King's College London by the 13th of June 2025. It normally takes around 8-weeks for admissions applications to be processed and offers to be made, so it is strongly advised that you apply in advance of the 21st of April 2025 application deadline.

Steps on How to Apply:

  1. Refer to our ‘How to apply: Research courses’ page for general guidance on how to find and apply for a doctoral degree at King’s. Please ensure that you are fully aware of the entry requirements for your chosen programme before applying.
  1. Contact a potential King’s supervisor that you would like to study under and include the proposed supervisor’s name in your admissions application (within the 'Research Proposal' section/Supporting Statement Category, select 'Yes' against the statement: 'I have identified the King’s supervisor I would like to study under', and input the name). For guidance on finding a supervisor, please read our ‘Harold Moody 24-25 Applicant Guide to finding a supervisor’. Normally, your programme will sit within the same department as your proposed supervisor. If you are unsure what programme to apply for, please check this with your proposed supervisor and/or department. 

By the deadline of 21 April 2025 (23:59pm UK time):

  1. Complete an online admissions application: Submit an admissions application to King’s College London for a full-time or part-time MPhil/PhD degree programme in either the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy or the King's Business School to start in 2025-26 academic year (i.e., from the 1st of October 2025) using the King’s online admissions application system – King’s Apply.

If you have already submitted an application via King’s Apply for an MPhil/PhD degree at King’s that meets the eligibility criteria, you do not have to reapply, but please follow steps 4 to 5.

  1. Include our funding code: On the ‘Funding’ Section of your King’s Apply application, you MUST tick the box at item 5 (Award Scheme Code or Name) and enter the funding code: 2526-THM (Please copy and paste the code exactly!). This funding code must be added as soon as possible and by no later than 21 April 2025 (23:59pm UK time).

If you submitted your admissions application before including the funding code and/or studentship form, simply log back into King’s Apply to update the ‘Funding’ section of your application. If you experience any problems with this, please contact the admissions office via the messaging section of your application for assistance.

By the deadline of 05 May 2025 (23:59pm UK time):

  1. Provide all required supporting documentation for your chosen PhD programme: You must ensure your admissions application includes all required documentation such as, references, research proposal and educational qualification documents. It is your responsibility to ensure all required supporting material is provided on time, including references. If you have any problems with this, please contact the admissions team for help.

PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to consider your application for the studentship if you fail to follow the instructions correctly.

It is your responsibility to ensure that references are submitted to the portal by the deadline. Please start your application well in advance of the application deadline and contact your referees to let them know King’s will be requesting a reference from them.

IMPORTANT: to be considered for this studentship, you are expected to secure an admission offer by 13th June 2025. Only those who meet the eligibility criteria and who have applied as instructed and in time for the studentship will be considered.

We will hold two online sessions to guide applicants who are interested in applying to the scheme:

  • A workshop: 06 March 2025 (10 am)
  • An online Q & A: 09 April 2025 (2 pm)

Please contact the King's Doctoral College via, if you wish to register the online workshop and / or the online Q & A session.


For any questions relating to this scheme, please get in touch with the King's Doctoral College at

Application forms

  • Harold Moody PGR Studentships 2025_26_timeline (0.13 MB)
  • Harold Moody 25-26 Applicant Guide to finding a supervisor (0.23 MB)

    Selection process

    Applicants who apply correctly within the deadlines and secure an admission offer by the given deadlines (as instructed under the ‘Application Process’) will be considered for this studentship.

    Information and documentation provided via the online admissions application will be used to determine applicant eligibility as well as to consider the strength of an application and suitability for the studentship scheme.

    All applications that are deemed eligible will be circulated to the respective academic faculty for assessment.

    Ineligible candidates will not be reviewed and those who do not already hold an admission offer may have their admissions application returned as unsuccessful via King’s Apply.

    Decisions will be announced mid-end of June 2025.

    Academic year:


    Grant code:


    Study mode:

    Postgraduate research

    Application closing date:

    21 April 2025