Subject areas:
All subject areas.
King's commitment to financially assisting students who need extra funding to complete their studies.
Award details
Students do not need to apply for the Bursary and will be contacted automatically before the end of November 2024, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.
For students who have their household income assessed after November 2024, we will conduct further eligibility checks periodically throughout the academic year up to 31 July 2025 and those eligible will be contacted automatically once this is complete.
Students from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish students in receipt of a maintenance grant or an equivalent grant/bursary, will receive a King's Living Bursary in line with the household income bandings described above.
EU Students
If you have been classed as EU for tuition fee purposes, and are receiving the tuition fee loan but are not eligible for the student loan for maintenance, you will be ineligible for this bursary.
Further information
If you have any queries about the King's Living Bursary scheme, or any other aspect of the new student funding arrangements, please contact the Student Funding Office here at King's where we will be happy to offer you further advice.
Student Fees & Funding - Privacy Notice
Award value
The bursary differs slightly depending on the current academic year at King's.
For details of the King's Living Bursary in 2025-26, please see here.
As a full-time home undergraduate student studying in 2024-25, the level of bursary you receive will depend on your income and that of your household. Eligibility is checked for each year of your course. This bursary is for costs whilst you are studying and does not have to be repaid.
King’s commitment is simple. For all new full-time, home undergraduate students, depending on your household income, King’s will award a King's Living Bursary as follows:
Household Income |
King's Living Bursary |
£25,000 or less |
£1,600 |
£25,001 - £33,500 |
£1,500 |
£33,501 - £42,875 |
£1,200 |
Eligibility criteria
The King's Living Bursary scheme is available to HOME students who meet the following criteria:
- Undertaking a first, full-time undergraduate degree or Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE)
- Qualify for home fee status and Student Finance (SFE) maintenance support
- Has been means-tested by SFE with a final assessed household income of £42,875 or less
- Liable for £9,250 tuition fees (exceptions for year abroad/extra mural years or where special fees have been agreed)
Please be aware that students on postgraduate healthcare programmes leading to registration are not able to receive the King's Living Bursary.
For students on undergraduate Nursing or allied healthcare programmes, receiving the NHS training grants available this year, this will not affect your entitlement to the King's Living Bursary.
Student who are in receipt of the NHS bursary funding package (e.g. Medical/Dental students on an NHS-funded year) are not able to receive the King's Living Bursary.
Award conditions
To receive the bursary, you will need to meet the eligibility criteria, and have been means-tested by Student Finance England/Northern Ireland/Wales/SAAS.
Students do not have to actively provide consent for their household income information to be shared with King's College London, and it will only be withheld if the student or their sponsor has actively chosen to withdraw their consent.
Even if you do not intend to take up the maintenance loan, you will need to ask to be means-tested.
To request this, or to check your means-testing information, please contact Student Finance England, Student Finance Northern Ireland, Student Finance Wales or SAAS.
You must qualify for the bursary by the end of June 2025 for a payment in 2024-25, so please ensure that you have left enough time to complete the means-testing process.
When will I receive my King's Living Bursary?
You will receive your bursary in two equal instalments - usually in November and February - over your academic year . Payment will be made by BACS, and you will be asked to provide your bank details via your online student records portal to enable this after you have enrolled. Bursary payments will not be issued if you are no longer in attendance on your course.
Instalment dates are late November 2024, and mid February 2025.
You will receive an email about your bursary before the end of November, providing you with the dates that the bursary will be paid. Please note that the bursary will take up to five working days to reach your account from the repayment date, so do not worry if the funds are not in your account on the day.
The bursary does not have to be repaid.