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EPSRC DTP Studentship: Multidimensional diffusion – relaxometry MRI data for high resolution brain imaging.

Subject areas:

Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, and/or equivalent training.

Funding type:

Tuition fee. Stipend. Bench Fees / Research Training & Support Grant.

Awarding body:

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Fully funded EPSRC DTP PhD studentship in the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences to start 1st October 2024.

Award details

The primary aim of this PhD project is to significantly enhance the contrast and resolution of quantitative MRI images to enable the accurate characterisation of brain tissue properties in various clinical settings. To achieve this, the project will focus on combining multidimensional diffusion-relaxometry acquisitions with a dedicated, highly efficient denoising approach.

These methodological advances will then be employed in two scenarios where image quality suffers greatly due to noise: firstly, to increase the resolution of diffusion relaxometry MRI data at high field (3T, 7T), and secondly, to improve the image quality at low field (0.55T).

This project seeks to advance the technical boundaries of MRI applications in both research and clinical settings, to facilitate more precise diagnoses and interventions (e.g. to study malformations of cortical development, imaging of cerebellar white matter, accurate placement of electrodes in epilepsy, etc), as well as to expand the potential use of lower-cost MRI systems for varied healthcare environments, such as neonatal imaging, making MRI more accessible and effective.

Award value

Each studentship is fully funded for 3.5 years. This includes tuition fees, stipend and generous project consumables.

Stipend: Students will receive a tax-free stipend at the UKRI rate of £21,237 (AY 2024/25) per year as a living allowance.

Research Training Support Grant (RTSG): A generous project allowance will be provided for research consumables and for attending UK and international conferences.

Tuition fees: Home.

Eligibility criteria

School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences.

Postgraduate research

Prospective candidates should have a 1st or at least a 2:1 undergraduate qualification in Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a related programme.

Preference will be given to candidates with a strong computational background and programming skills. Experience with conducting multidisciplinary research is also desired, but not necessary.

We welcome eligible applicants from any personal background, who are pleased to join diverse and friendly research groups.

Application Residency: 

Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for Home Fee status will be eligible to apply for this project. Home students will be eligible for a full UKRI award, including fees and stipend, if they satisfy the UKRI criteria below, including residency requirements. To be classed as a Home student, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • be a UK National (meeting residency requirements), or
  • have settled status, or
  • have pre-settled status (meeting residency requirements), or
  • have indefinite leave to remain or enter.

Application process

Please submit an application for the Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Science Research MPhil/PhD (Full-time) programme using the King’s Apply system. Please include the following with your application:

  • A PDF copy of your CV should be uploaded to the Employment History section.
  • A 500-word personal statement outlining your motivation for undertaking postgraduate research should be uploaded to the Supporting statement section.
  • Funding information: Please choose Option 5 “I am applying for a funding award or scholarship administered by King’s College London” and under “Award Scheme Code or Name” enter ''BMEIS_DTP_AI'' Failing to include this code might result in you not being considered for this funding.

Contact Details:

Please email: 

Name of the funding Provider:

EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)


Academic year:


Grant code:


Study mode:

Postgraduate research

Application closing date:

14 July 2024