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Broadening Horizons Award (Global Mobility)

Subject areas:

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Funding type:

Study costs. Travel.


Home Fee Status Students.

This funding opportunity, jointly launched with the Widening Participation Department and is aimed at increasing the number of widening participation students who can access mobility opportunities.

Award details

This funding opportunity, jointly launched with the Widening Participation Department in 2015/16, is aimed at increasing the number of widening participation students who can and do access the mobility opportunities available to them at King's.

Since its introduction, the Broadening Horizons Award has supported hundreds of students to complete term-time study and work placements, summer exchange and elective experiences all over the world. The award has three rounds which are open throughout the year depending on when you will complete your activity. Applicants must be home-fee-paying undergraduate students who meet at least one of the eligibility criteria and who are completing an eligible activity. You can find eligibility criteria below.

Award value

We are not able to guarantee funding to all applicants. This means that even if you meet one or more of the criteria to apply for the award, you are not guaranteed to receive funding. Students usually receive awards in the region of £250 to £900. Award amounts are subject to change year on year and will depend on which and how many primary and secondary criteria you meet, level of financial need, destination, length of stay, and the overall number of applications received by the Global Mobility Office in each round. In some cases, we will take into account the quality of students’ qualitative responses.

We will also consider other mobility funding (such as Turing, Erasmus+ and other King’s mobility funding) that you receive, as well as any other departmental or external scholarships (such as Edith Baer’s for Modern Language students) that you will receive towards your activity. Students who are completing a paid work placement, for a semester, year, or a shorter period may also receive a lower award.

Eligibility criteria

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from home-fee-paying undergraduate students completing an eligible activity who:

What is an ‘eligible’ activity?

Students completing any of the following types of activities can apply for a Broadening Horizons Award, providing they also meet the eligibility criteria above to apply:

  • Term-time study abroad (including a Semester or Full Year abroad)
  • Term-time work placement abroad* (such as International Management or Modern Languages internships abroad)
  • Global Summer Exchange**
  • Other short-term activity abroad such as an elective, field trip, or internship

The activity does not have to form part of your King’s degree (such as a term-time activity). Students applying for a BHA for extracurricular and/or external activities (such as an elective or internship) must provide confirmation of acceptance on their programme.

*Students who apply for a BHA for paid work placements can still apply, but may be less likely to receive an award, or may receive a lower award.

**Students who apply for a BHA for a Global Summer Exchange, who have also applied for a Global Summer Award, may receive a lower award. Students will likely need to accept their Summer Exchange offer prior to receiving the outcome of their BHA application.

If you are unsure if your activity is eligible, please contact

Can I apply retrospectively?

Yes, we do accept retrospective applications. However, students will need to apply for the BHA as soon as possible after their activity. For example, if you are studying abroad in Semester 1 but didn’t apply in Round 1, you would need to apply in Round 2, applications received for Semester 1 activities in Round 3 will not be accepted.

Award conditions

Please note that (with the exception of students applying for a BHA award to support a Global Summer Exchange), students should have a confirmed place on their chosen Study Abroad programme before applying to the Broadening Horizons Award. You may be required to show confirmation of your programme in order to receive any award.

If you do not participate in your activity for any reason, you will be required to return any funding you have received.

Application process

The 2024/2025 Broadening Horizons Award is for international activities taking place between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025. As in previous years, there will be three application rounds that will open and close throughout the year. When you apply depends on when your activity will take place:

Upcoming Rounds:

Round 1 – Now closed
· Completing a study or work placement for Semester 1 or the full academic year or;
· Completing another activity, such as an elective, between 01/09/2024 and 12/01/2025
· DEADLINE: 11:59pm (UK time) on Sunday 18 August 2024

Round 2 - Now closed
· Completing a study or work placement for Semester 2 or;
· Completing another activity, such as an elective, between 13/01/2025 and 27/04/2025
· DEADLINE: 11:59pm (UK time) on Sunday 1 December 2024

Round 3 - Now open
· Completing a Global Summer Exchange or;
· Completing another summer activity, such as an elective, between 28/04/2025 and 31/08/2025
· DEADLINE: 11:59pm (UK time) on Sunday 27 April 2025

A note on the application rounds:
Students should apply in the round that best fits their study abroad placement details. If you are studying abroad in over the summer, please wait until the appropriate round (Round 3) to apply. Any applications received in Round 3 for activities that are not for Round 3, or are not retrospective applications for Semester 2 will not be considered.

Students completing a Global Summer Exchange in Summer 2024 may apply retrospectively for funding in Round 1 only.

If you are not sure when you should apply, please email


Selection process

When will I receive an answer?

Applications are reviewed after each deadline and students can expect to hear back regarding the outcome of their application within six to eight weeks of the respective deadline. Following receiving an outcome, students may be required to provide additional documentation and evidence in order to confirm their award. We will then request the payment of the award to Student Funding. This should be done within one month but in busy periods may be longer.

Students should be aware that they are not guaranteed, and in fact are unlikely, to receive the funding prior to the start of their activity.

Academic year:


Study mode:


Application closing date:

27 April 2025