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Why you should book a practice interview with Careers & Employability

Alex looking out of a bus window
Alex Cramp (they/them)
Management & Modern Languages (Spanish pathway), Faculty of Arts & Humanities

04 June 2024

I've completed my final assessments, partied for a few weeks, and am officially on the job hunt. This can be a daunting process, but luckily, Careers & Employability is here to help.

Interviews are especially nerve-wracking as being judged by strangers is not my idea of fun. However, doing a practice interview with a Careers Consultant helped calm my nerves, and I recommend you book one too.

How do I book a practice interview?

You need to have an actual interview scheduled before booking, but the type of interview can include in-person, online, video etc.

You can book a practice interview once a term on King's Target Connect. Go to the 'Book' tab and select 'Appointments'. This gives you a view of different types of appointments and their availability. Then, choose a time slot and fill out a form about your previous interview experience, if you have any, and information about the job you’re applying for. The Careers & Employability team recommend you book several days before your actual interview, to give yourself time to practice the skills you will learn.

Appointments are offered both online via MS Teams and in-person, and I opted for online.

What happens in a practice interview?

After clicking the link in the confirmation email to access the Teams meeting, I was met with a lovely Career Consultant named Sue, who explained the appointment's structure. She asked me a few questions based on the job description I had provided.

Role-playing felt a bit weird, but after getting over that initial awkwardness, it was great to practice my responses.

After about 10 minutes we paused for feedback. Sue asked how I felt and was encouraging when I mentioned my concern that I waffled too much. She gave me some actionable advice, like how to restructure my answers to be more relevant to what was being asked, and then we practised more questions.

How did you feel afterwards?

Having precise feedback on my technique meant I could apply it quickly and see myself improve within a space of minutes. I hadn't had an interview for over a year and felt quite rusty, so this appointment made me feel more confident.

The actual interview went smoothly, and thanks to the practice I felt assured in expressing myself. I didn't get the job, but it was valuable experience I can learn from for my next interview in a couple of weeks.

Overall, the appointment helped hone my interview skills and confidence. I'd highly recommend you book one to get tips on how to impress future employers and to get the most out of your experience.