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Kickstarting your graduate career: insights and support from our Alumni

King's Graduates at their graduation ceremony

Finishing your studies and stepping into the workplace can be both exciting and daunting. That's why we've tapped into the wisdom of some of our Alumni to glean their invaluable insights, from working out your dream career, navigating common challenges and the support that King’s Careers and Employability can offer you.

We hear from Sneha (MA Shakespeare Studies), Dharshini (MSc Banking and Finance) and Amna (MSc Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy) about their experiences. 

How did you decide on your career path?

Sneha: 'I initially came to the UK with plans to undertake doctoral study, but certain circumstances and experiences made me rethink my dream career. A "Career Planning" appointment with a wonderful Careers Consultant at King's led me to apply for a summer internship with the Student Content Management Team, where I realised that marketing and content management is the career path I wish to pursue.'

Did you make use of the graduate careers support that King’s offers?

Amna: 'I used King’s career support services a lot. They helped polish my CV and cover letter and provided regular guidance on exploring options, discussing applications, and mapping career paths. Their support was invaluable to my professional development.'

Dharshini: 'Absolutely! From finding jobs in King's Careers Connect to scheduling a CV review and mock interviews, I have always gone to the King's Careers and Employability team for guidance and support.'

Sneha: 'Yes, countless times! I attended about ten Career Planning appointments. A shoutout to Robin Stevens and Reza Majid for being wonderful Careers Consultants! I even attended the ‘Practice Interview’ sessions before every job interview and the ‘application advice’ appointment before submitting my job applications. Other tools such as CareerSet, eCareersGrad and Graduates First on King's Careers Connect, the KEATS Careers page and the "What's Next?" webinars were beneficial.'

What challenges did you face in your post-graduation job search and how did you overcome them?

Dharshini: 'Adapting to life after university involved finding accommodation, job applications, facing rejections and preparing for interviews. Fortunately, I overcame these challenges by leveraging support services such as Money and Housing and King's Careers and Employability.'

Sneha: 'The job market in the UK was quite volatile when I was job hunting and uncertainty around the Graduate route visa and immigration rules made finding a job difficult. Despite facing multiple rejections due to my lack of full-time experience, with the support of the Careers and Employability team and a great deal of perseverance, I am now the Student Engagement Coordinator at the University of London Careers Service.'

Explore the support available for international graduates on our Graduate Careers webpages.

What advice would you give to our recent graduates entering the workforce?

Amna: 'Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, network and be open to opportunities. I landed my previous job through a LinkedIn connection, and my current role came about from a recommendation at a social event. Also, using STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) answers for interviews is highly effective. It provides a clear and structured way to present your experiences and achievements, making a strong impression on your interviewers.'

Dharshini: 'Network! By connecting with people in the industry I was interested in, I got a real inside look at how things work in different companies. Chatting with professionals boosted my confidence and helped me see how the theory I learned in my degree translates into real-world practice.'

Sneha: 'Think of an interview as a performance and visualise the interviewers as your well-wishers who want you to succeed, because they really do! Also, be open to network and learn from every person you meet during your career journey. I met so many amazing people during my SCM internship, like my line manager, without whom I wouldn't be in the place I am right now. Just go out there and be the absolute best version of yourself- like you are always!'

Find out more

Discover the support King’s Careers and Employability offer graduates and create your Alumni account on King’s CareerConnect.