It was clear that the publication had potential and the team began a process to ratify it as an official KCLSU society. They also decided to change the publication’s format from a small newsletter to a fully-fledged student magazine, printing its first issue in August 2021 to hand out at the University’s welcome fair. ScienceMind currently has magazine collection points at Guy's, Waterloo and Strand campuses and prints 50 copies per magazine release.
ScienceMind has a unique selling point: it publishes articles aimed at three levels of readership. While its target audience is primarily university students, its authors want to make sure anyone can pick up a copy and read at their desired comfort level. Shallow dive is an article difficulty level intended for a general audience with a secondary school understanding of STEM. Treading water is the second level aimed at those with some science knowledge, including A level students or new undergraduates. Finally, deep dive articles allow writers to conduct deep investigations into discoveries or STEM issues that they’re passionate about. These articles are usually aimed at final year undergraduates, postgraduates, and professors.